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Does node 20.x fully supports cgroups v2 ? facing memory celling problem Kubernetes cluster #52478

Closed PedroFonsecaDEV closed 4 weeks ago

PedroFonsecaDEV commented 2 months ago




No response


No response

What steps will reproduce the bug?

Is #47259 fixed on node js 20.x ?

How often does it reproduce? Is there a required condition?

No response

What is the expected behavior? Why is that the expected behavior?

Node js being aware of memory and CPU available via cgroups v2

What do you see instead?

Pods running node js on my cluster running out of memory.

Additional information

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mcollina commented 2 months ago

In theory yes.

PedroFonsecaDEV commented 2 months ago

Hi @mcollina, could you please expand on that ?

mcollina commented 2 months ago

Node v20.x includes the libuv version with the necessary fix as far as I understand #47259. However I have not tested it.

ben-bertrands-hs commented 4 weeks ago

We have the same issue and are switching back to cgroup v1

mcollina commented 4 weeks ago

cc @santigimeno

jonesbusy commented 4 weeks ago

After upgrading on cgroup v2 on our OKD cluster we don't have any issue when running Node 20.13.1 apps. Only Node 18 cause issue that were mitigated using max_old_space_size

ben-bertrands-hs commented 4 weeks ago

Hi. Below output for cgroupv1 vs cgroupv2 for the same container image and both with a memory limit of 320Mi

This is on a node using cgroupv1

/app $ node -e "console.log(v8.getHeapStatistics())" { total_heap_size: 4407296, total_heap_size_executable: 262144, total_physical_size: 3936256, total_available_size: 268868568, used_heap_size: 3652248, heap_size_limit: 271581184, malloced_memory: 262296, peak_malloced_memory: 108144, does_zap_garbage: 0, number_of_native_contexts: 1, number_of_detached_contexts: 0, total_global_handles_size: 8192, used_global_handles_size: 2240, external_memory: 1342981 } /app $ node -v v20.13.1 /app $ node -e "console.log(process.availableMemory())" 204288000

while this is on a cgroupv2 node

/app $ node -e "console.log(v8.getHeapStatistics())" { total_heap_size: 4407296, total_heap_size_executable: 262144, total_physical_size: 3936256, total_available_size: 2195102632, used_heap_size: 3652280, heap_size_limit: 2197815296, malloced_memory: 262296, peak_malloced_memory: 108144, does_zap_garbage: 0, number_of_native_contexts: 1, number_of_detached_contexts: 0, total_global_handles_size: 8192, used_global_handles_size: 2240, external_memory: 1342981 } /app $ node -v v20.13.1 /app $ node -e "console.log(process.availableMemory())" 8880730112

Is something else going on here?

ben-bertrands-hs commented 4 weeks ago

@mcollina can you reopen this issue?