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add Daniel-Belz to Contributors list #53030

Closed DanielBelz1997 closed 4 weeks ago

DanielBelz1997 commented 4 weeks ago
DanielBelz1997 commented 4 weeks ago

i hope that i did it correctly. if there is an issue with my branch, please i would like that someone will explane to me what to do instead :)

RedYetiDev commented 4 weeks ago

Hi! Node.js doesn't store a file, but if you'd like to become a contributor, feel free to submit some ehancements :-)

DanielBelz1997 commented 4 weeks ago

Ok! Thank you for the quick answer!

RedYetiDev commented 4 weeks ago

I'm happy to help! If you'd like to contribute, check out the issues labeled as "good first issue"

DanielBelz1997 commented 4 weeks ago

hey, i saw some good first issues, but im still not sure where to start on this giant project. there is any way someone you know could help me with those baby steps?

RedYetiDev commented 4 weeks ago

Well, you can always ask for tips on the OpenJSF slack, but my advice is that every change matters, even tiny ones

DanielBelz1997 commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for the advice! How can i be invited to this OpenJSF slack? anyway i would like to learn from that group as much i can.

RedYetiDev commented 3 weeks ago