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`test-runner-watch-mode-complex` is flaky #54807

Open anonrig opened 1 week ago

anonrig commented 1 week ago





Console output

duration_ms: 7872.558
exitcode: 1
severity: fail
stack: "\u25B6 test runner watch mode with more complex setup\n  \u2716 should run\
  \ tests when a dependency changed after a watched test file being deleted (6011.7357ms)\n\
  \    AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The input did not match the regular expression\
  \ /tests 2/. Input:\n\n    '\u2714 second test has ran (11.0094ms)\\n' +\n     \
  \ '\u2716 test-2.mjs (1203.1484ms)\\n' +\n      \"  'test failed'\\n\" +\n     \
  \ '\\n' +\n      '\u2714 first test has ran (10.9333ms)\\n' +\n      '\u2716 test.js\
  \ (1104.3845ms)\\n' +\n      \"  'test failed'\\n\" +\n      '\\n' +\n      '\u2714\
  \ first test has ran (19.2988ms)\\n' +\n      '\u2714 second test has ran (10.4836ms)\\\
  n' +\n      '\u2139 tests 6\\n' +\n      '\u2139 suites 0\\n' +\n      '\u2139 pass\
  \ 4\\n' +\n      '\u2139 fail 2\\n' +\n      '\u2139 cancelled 0\\n' +\n      '\u2139\
  \ skipped 0\\n' +\n      '\u2139 todo 0\\n' +\n      '\u2139 duration_ms 1760.8152\\\
  n'\n\n        at TestContext.<anonymous> (file:///c:/workspace/node-test-binary-windows-js-suites/node/test/parallel/test-runner-watch-mode-complex.mjs:99:12)\n\
  \        at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)\n\
  \        at async (node:internal/test_runner/test:888:9)\n        at async\
  \ Promise.all (index 0)\n        at async (node:internal/test_runner/test:1268:7)\n\
  \        at async startSubtestAfterBootstrap (node:internal/test_runner/harness:280:3)\
  \ {\n      generatedMessage: true,\n      code: 'ERR_ASSERTION',\n      actual:\
  \ \"\u2714 second test has ran (11.0094ms)\\n\u2716 test-2.mjs (1203.1484ms)\\n\
  \  'test failed'\\n\\n\u2714 first test has ran (10.9333ms)\\n\u2716 test.js (1104.3845ms)\\\
  n  'test failed'\\n\\n\u2714 first test has ran (19.2988ms)\\n\u2714 second test\
  \ has ran (10.4836ms)\\n...\",\n      expected: /tests 2/,\n      operator: 'match'\n\
  \    }\n\n\u25B6 test runner watch mode with more complex setup (6042.3908ms)\n\u2139\
  \ tests 1\n\u2139 suites 1\n\u2139 pass 0\n\u2139 fail 1\n\u2139 cancelled 0\n\u2139\
  \ skipped 0\n\u2139 todo 0\n\u2139 duration_ms 6198.16\n\n\u2716 failing tests:\n\
  \ntest at test\\parallel\\test-runner-watch-mode-complex.mjs:53:3\n\u2716 should\
  \ run tests when a dependency changed after a watched test file being deleted (6011.7357ms)\n\
  \  AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The input did not match the regular expression\
  \ /tests 2/. Input:\n\n  '\u2714 second test has ran (11.0094ms)\\n' +\n    '\u2716\
  \ test-2.mjs (1203.1484ms)\\n' +\n    \"  'test failed'\\n\" +\n    '\\n' +\n  \
  \  '\u2714 first test has ran (10.9333ms)\\n' +\n    '\u2716 test.js (1104.3845ms)\\\
  n' +\n    \"  'test failed'\\n\" +\n    '\\n' +\n    '\u2714 first test has ran\
  \ (19.2988ms)\\n' +\n    '\u2714 second test has ran (10.4836ms)\\n' +\n    '\u2139\
  \ tests 6\\n' +\n    '\u2139 suites 0\\n' +\n    '\u2139 pass 4\\n' +\n    '\u2139\
  \ fail 2\\n' +\n    '\u2139 cancelled 0\\n' +\n    '\u2139 skipped 0\\n' +\n   \
  \ '\u2139 todo 0\\n' +\n    '\u2139 duration_ms 1760.8152\\n'\n\n      at TestContext.<anonymous>\
  \ (file:///c:/workspace/node-test-binary-windows-js-suites/node/test/parallel/test-runner-watch-mode-complex.mjs:99:12)\n\
  \      at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)\n\
  \      at async (node:internal/test_runner/test:888:9)\n      at async\
  \ Promise.all (index 0)\n      at async (node:internal/test_runner/test:1268:7)\n\
  \      at async startSubtestAfterBootstrap (node:internal/test_runner/harness:280:3)\
  \ {\n    generatedMessage: true,\n    code: 'ERR_ASSERTION',\n    actual: \"\u2714\
  \ second test has ran (11.0094ms)\\n\u2716 test-2.mjs (1203.1484ms)\\n  'test failed'\\\
  n\\n\u2714 first test has ran (10.9333ms)\\n\u2716 test.js (1104.3845ms)\\n  'test\
  \ failed'\\n\\n\u2714 first test has ran (19.2988ms)\\n\u2714 second test has ran\
  \ (10.4836ms)\\n...\",\n    expected: /tests 2/,\n    operator: 'match'\n  }"

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pmarchini commented 23 hours ago

I'm taking a look 👀