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governance: add new collaborators #XI #5779

Closed Trott closed 8 years ago

Trott commented 8 years ago

Would be great to onboard some of the qualifying folks who missed the last round. Names that immediately leap to mind:

I'm sure there are more.

In addition to the onboardees, can we identify who are the folks who are comfortable and capable of being onboarders? @chrisdickinson and @Fishrock123 are, of course. Are there others now? @evanlucas and/or @cjihrig? Is it sufficient for @TheAlphaNerd and/or me to simply shrug and say "Sure, I can wing it based on what I remember and the documentation"? Or not so much?

santigimeno commented 8 years ago

Looking forward to it :)

ronkorving commented 8 years ago

Me too :)

evanlucas commented 8 years ago

@Trott I think I would be comfortable with it

benjamingr commented 8 years ago

@evanlucas did a good job and answered all the questions we've had in the last onboarding.

Fishrock123 commented 8 years ago

Previous thread

Trott commented 8 years ago

Recent-ish commit activity should not be the only metric we look at of course. (Just stating the obvious for the benefit of outside observers.) But it's not a useless metric either. So here's a list:

And here are the results:

JacksonTian commented 8 years ago

If I am a collaborator, I will spend more time on it.

benjamingr commented 8 years ago

What about @ralt ? Added two fs functions (mkdtemp) including tests and docs.

ralt commented 8 years ago

@benjamingr I don't have 10+ commits :)

benjamingr commented 8 years ago

@ralt that's not a requirement, I think we need more people with the capacity of adding core functionality - Petka was added for a single commit too. Of course, I am just suggesting you, it's not an obligation on either end. If you'd rather wait until you have commits in that's entirely reasonable.

ralt commented 8 years ago

The mkdtemp was a one-off thing, although I'll probably add mkstemp once it's in libuv too. Not sure what this whole collaborator thing is though. :-)

Fishrock123 commented 8 years ago

@ralt There's documentation here:

It more or less means commit / issues management access to the project. Good if you plan on having some time here and there to dedicate to the project for whatever reason. :)

joshgav commented 8 years ago

Perhaps we should have a monthly open meeting on what it means to be a committer, collaborator, etc. and how to do it? Is there a reason to limit only to nominees? Perhaps the CTC could do a monthly approval in the immediately following CTC meeting. Is monthly the right cadence?

Another q for thought - should there be a process/policy to remove collaborators when they move on? For example, that policy could be that if you make less than 10 contributions over 6 months you lose collaborator status; of course you can always be re-approved, and maybe we have a fast-track for returning members.

MylesBorins commented 8 years ago

@joshgav the problem with a metric based system like the one you describe is that there are many ways people can contribute as a collaborator without contributing code, not all of which are easily measurable.

AFAIK having too many collaborators has not been considered a pain, so perhaps we should avoid trying to fix something that may not be broken

mikeal commented 8 years ago

I'll re-iterate what @TheAlphaNerd is saying, there isn't really a "typical contributor" mold that we can tell people to fill. People contribute in many ways, and we also want people to contribute in ways we may not have even thought of yet.

That said, there are ways that we can measure any type of contribution. The GitHub API gives us literally everything that happens in the org, it's just a matter of deciding what we want to pull down and how to present that much data in a usable way.

Trott commented 8 years ago

Getting back on track: I just talked with @evanlucas in IRC about pulling the next onboarding together. One thing we're not clear on is whether the CTC needs to approve nominees or what. I get the (perhaps mistaken?) impression that they used to do that, but I don't think that happened this last round. So... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Trott commented 8 years ago

(Adding ctc-agenda label to get answer to the CTC-approval question above. If it gets answered before the meeting this week, I'll remove the label again. Or, you know, you do it and beat me to it, k? thx. bai.)

Trott commented 8 years ago

Also: @stefanmb was mentioned last time around but didn't get onboarded. If they're still interested, I'd be interested in seeing them get onboarded too. commits

a0viedo commented 8 years ago

I've been helping with the Docs WG but didn't participated in the collaborator's onboarding process. Is it recommended for all WG members?

MylesBorins commented 8 years ago

@a0viedo the collaborator on boarding is primarily for those who have a commit bit and will be landing code

Trott commented 8 years ago

@a0viedo For more info on collaborators and selection for onboarding, see

Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are made Collaborators and given commit-access to the project. These individuals are identified by the CTC and their addition as Collaborators is discussed during the weekly CTC meeting.

Note: If you make a significant contribution and are not considered for commit-access, log an issue or contact a CTC member directly and it will be brought up in the next CTC meeting.

stefanmb commented 8 years ago

Hi folks, I was on the list for the previous round but I missed the onboarding there. I'm very much interested in participating in this round's. Thanks @Trott for explaining the procedure.

a0viedo commented 8 years ago

@Trott that paragraph doesn't discriminates from contributions to code, docs or issue triaging. from what @TheAlphaNerd said, the onboarding process seems to make sense only for those contributing code.

MylesBorins commented 8 years ago

@a0viedo less "contributing code" and more "landing code"

Trott commented 8 years ago

@a0viedo less "contributing code" and more "landing code"

As I understand it, that's true if we define code very liberally. Someone doing a ton of work on docs only could totally be added as a collaborator if their doc work is significant and valuable. Or at least, that's been my understanding.

EDIT: And such a person may choose to only land doc changes if that's where their comfort and interest is.

YET ANOTHER EDIT: Less "landing code" and more "landing changes"?

imran-iq commented 8 years ago

In the same boat as @stefanmb was mentioned in and

Though not sure if I've actually made any significant contributions, just some test fixes for AIX

Fishrock123 commented 8 years ago

We should also get @addaleax in. So few people care about zlib in this sort of detail. Plus she's been helpful elsewhere. :)

[commits], [issue comments]

evanlucas commented 8 years ago

+1 to @addaleax

I'll post a doodle link later on for the next onboarding if it's cool with @Fishrock123

addaleax commented 8 years ago

Okay :) I can’t promise I’ll stay as active as I have been here lately because I’ll be starting my master’s degree next month; but if that’s not a problem, sure, I’d be happy to! :smile:

Fishrock123 commented 8 years ago

@evanlucas oh, yeah if you want to lead one please go ahead. Otherwise, I'll try to pull myself to organize another..

evanlucas commented 8 years ago is the doodle poll.

Please select the times at which you are able. Thanks! /cc @Trott

evanlucas commented 8 years ago

ok, sorry. I had a little trouble with doodle, so if you had already signed up, you may need to again :[

evanlucas commented 8 years ago

Ok, sorry I messed up doodle again. I started over. is the new link. If everyone could get that in over the next day or so, we can get this thing scheduled. Thanks!

evanlucas commented 8 years ago

Ok, the date is set for now for Friday, April 15 at 12:00 PM CST. I'll send everyone a calendar invite. Thanks!

Trott commented 8 years ago


Just in case anyone is converting to their local time, it's probably CDT (UTC -5) and not CST (UTC -6)

ronkorving commented 8 years ago

That was a very short window for response since the previous Doodle...

So 2:00 am in Japan. Not technically impossible, but being interviewed like a zombie while keeping my wife from sleeping may not be the best idea. Is there still a point in me filling out the Doodle or should I wait for the next round?

Trott commented 8 years ago

@ronkorving Would you be able to make 8AM Tokyo / 4PM California work if we made a point to make that the time for the next one? Would 1PM Tokyo / 9PM California work?

ronkorving commented 8 years ago

1PM Tokyo would be ideal for me. 8AM could work, but is second choice :) Thanks for taking my timezone into consideration :+1:

evanlucas commented 8 years ago

@ronkorving apologies on that. Thanks for picking up my slack @Trott :]

ronkorving commented 8 years ago

No worries :) Thanks guys.

Fishrock123 commented 8 years ago

@Trott if you are doing an asian time one, could you please try to loop in @pmq20 too?

jasnell commented 8 years ago

On the next round of this I'd love to get @eljefedelrodeodeljefe onboarded. They've been providing a ton of great reviews and work around documentation.

Trott commented 8 years ago

Closing. Next onboarding being worked out at #6282

pmq20 commented 8 years ago

@Fishrock123 Thanks for mentioning me. I have responded on doodle.