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bundle with yarn and allow which package manager during build. #9161

Closed joshmanders closed 7 years ago

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

Now that Yarn has made it's debut and seems to be going swimmingly, it'd be great if we can specify which package manager is used during build. I know there's --without-npm so I'd like to see --with-npm and --with-yarn as options.


vkurchatkin commented 8 years ago

Why yarn? There are other, much older alternative npm clients

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

Because it's the most viable option being as it's backed by Google, Facebook, Exponent, Tilde, and is gaining more momentum in the week since it's release than any alternative has in it's whole lifetime. Not to mention npm, Inc themselves are cooperating and helping with yarn. It's just a no-brainer that it should be a choice. Adding others is fine too, but my main concern is that we'd have 600 choices and 598 of them are all abandoned.

joepie91 commented 8 years ago

Because it's the most viable option being as it's backed by Google, Facebook, Exponent, Tilde

I don't think that's necessarily a good reason, or even a good situation. The io.js fork happened for a reason.

I'm skeptical about adding any other package managers at this stage. The --without-npm flag has a good reason for being there, as it can be used for eg. distributions that want to decouple the Node.js and NPM packages, but I can't really see the same argument for eg. --with-yarn.

Adding such a flag also runs the risk of different distributors deciding to build with different package managers, which would add fragmentation and confusion for new users, for no clear benefits (given that it's already relatively easy to install Yarn anyway).

This is something that should probably be revisited later, after careful consideration of the consequences (and after perhaps considering the option of not shipping a package manager at all), but for now, I think this would not be a good idea. It would add complexity without a clear benefit.

pluma commented 8 years ago

As another +1 for Yarn I would like to point out that Google, FB and Tilde represent the three major web frameworks (Angular, React and Ember). Yarn is definitely not an experiment.

I also think it's also important to stress that Yarn was explicitly created with an open governance model in mind while the npm client is necessarily an npm, Inc project.

See Yehuda's excellent rationale for supporting yarn as a community alternative to npm:

No other alternative client comes close to yarn in terms of political and actual support and like Josh has said, no other client has seen an adoption anywhere as rapid as yarn's. Additionally the yarn maintainers have a proven track record in the JS ecosystem (e.g. Babel) regardless of the commercial entities involved.

jasnell commented 8 years ago

Changing the npm client that ships with core by default is not out of the question in the future but it needs to be done carefully and we would need to make sure that the client is production stable. Yarn has a ton of great things going for it but it does need to mature a bit before we could even consider adopting it. @joshmanders ... the way forward for this would be to open a proposal in describing the roadmap for this kind of change. Following that, a PR that adds the necessary bits to make it happen would be required. There's no guarantee that it would land any time soon (or at all) but that would be the way to get the ball rolling if you feel strongly enough about it.

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

Thank you @jasnell. I personally cannot accommodate the requirements to write a formal proposal, but I'd love to see one.

pluma commented 8 years ago

WRT to maturity I would like to remind people that the official npm client node.js is bundling has over 2300 open issues (and over 10,000 closed). One of the open issues results in corrupted bundles being pushed to the registry (meaning the bundle has to be re-published with an incremented version) and was originally filed in 2014 and only addressed earlier this year.

The npm client is definitely older than yarn by far but that doesn't make it stable. Also, yarn's development started in January and has seen some internal use before it went public.

However I agree in principle with @jasnell -- it may be a bit early to throw the weight of nodejs behind yarn. I do however think that it's a good time to start the work on how yarn could be adopted by nodejs if it survives the honeymoon and would love to see an EP being developed and taken serious.

jasnell commented 8 years ago

There are quite a few people (including myself) who love to see continued innovation, competition and collaboration around things like package management in Node.js so I have little doubt that we'll see an EP emerge on this in the not too distant future.

Some things to keep in mind for this: For me, it falls along the same lines as encouraging support for multiple VMs in Core. Chakra is not something that core will be shipping a supported build for in the near future, but it is a project that core fully embraces and provides a home for. The concerns that apply to that work, however, apply to this: core will only support alternatives if those do not break/fragment the ecosystem and if those can be supported in a way that is largely transparent to the majority of users. We do not want to end up in a situation where one subset of ecosystem stuff works in one combination of Node.js+Stuff-Node-Uses but not in another.

joshgav commented 8 years ago

Perhaps tools like nvm and nvs could add support for installing and managing package managers along with runtimes. After all, something has to bootstrap and install the package manager itself. If that is successful, perhaps Node could stop shipping npm and work cooperatively with all these package managers.

cjihrig commented 8 years ago

There is also the new installer repo that could manage the package managers.

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

I use homebrew to install node, and they support --without-npm flag, as they do not install node with npm, but install node and npm separately. They also support installing yarn, so that's how I am setup, but a lot of people do not use managers such as homebrew, nvm, etc, and just install node directly with npm, which gives the clear advantage to npm.

vkurchatkin commented 8 years ago

which gives the clear advantage to npm

It's possible to install yarn with npm, so no problem here

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

Valid point.

bnoordhuis commented 8 years ago

If @joshmanders is referring to the fact that npm is installed by default, that seems like a reasonable point. If you will permit the bad analogy: Windows and Internet Explorer until the EU broke that up.

joepie91 commented 8 years ago

Having something be the default will give it a definitive advantage, regardless of how easy it is to install the alternatives. But then again, I don't think that anybody here is flat-out arguing against at all replacing / adding a bundled package manager, just against it being done right now.

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

I'm not advocating it being done right now. Just starting a discussion on it being done, so when yarn is ready to go, we have steps to begin the process and not spend 6 months after the fact debating it.

And yes, @bnoordhuis you are correct in what I was trying to convey.

jumoog commented 8 years ago

Microsoft ships Windows with Internet Explorer too 📦 which most People use to download Chrome or others..

npm is like Internet Explorer

msuntharesan commented 7 years ago

I like to propose the idea of choosing which package manager to use. something like node --install-package-manager yarn or node --install-package-manager npm and node --use yarn or node --use npm. This way, the user has to make the decision and not bundle a package manager into the default install.

pluma commented 7 years ago

@jumoog The difference is that Microsoft owns MSIE. This is more like Windows shipping with Chrome. Except Chrome is not tied to any commercial services and Windows is owned by a corporate entity. So it's really more like Linux shipping with the Opera browser (back when Opera was freemium).

calidion commented 7 years ago

I think both should be integrated as default.

npm for back compatibility and yarn for new package management.

it time for us to reject semver, which is totally a false practice on version management and a very harmful misleading to software development.

jdalton commented 7 years ago

There'll be alternatives that crop up from time to time, but npm is defacto and a constant in the ecosystem. I don't think it's worth the time and support investment to include every so-hot-right-now package manager. –PS semver is p rad and so is npm5

joepie91 commented 7 years ago

@calidion: What are you going on about? Semantic versioning is a critical part of good dependency management.

If you feel there's something wrong with it, then describe what you think is wrong with it. Don't just throw in a few superficial negative remarks - at best it's non-constructive, at worst it's misleading towards other readers of the thread.

benjamingr commented 7 years ago

I think with npm5 landing with Node 8 there is very little incentive to integrate yarn, as virtually all objections raised here have been addressed. Can we close this thread now?

jasnell commented 7 years ago

Yeah, there's little to no reason to keep this thread open. The right way to pursue anything along these lines would be to make a node-eps proposal.

pluma commented 7 years ago

So we're just going to ignore the exact governance and ownership concerns raised in this discussion that are the reason the Node Foundation was created in the first place and accept the conflict of interest because it npm Inc was grandfathered into a monopoly position within the ecosystem?

Fine. I've officially stopped having any hope in the Foundation taking its responsibility seriously.

MylesBorins commented 7 years ago

@pluma this isn't a foundation thing. For what it is worth there is a complete separation between the foundation and the technical decisions of the project.

There has yet to be someone who has practically shown how we can begin to ship with yarn.

Putting aside stability and political concern... the project would need to:

I'll focus on a single one.. updating our .pkg installer. Did you know that our .pkg installer is being held together by very thin wires because Apple no longer actively supports the format. I've tried for many hours on multiple occasions to fix the install scripts for the package installer to try and solve issues like this to no avail.

To allow for the "pick a package manager" functionality we would need to completely replace our .pkg. We have begun some experiments in making an electron installer, but that comes with it's own sacrifices (such as a 100MB download).

This is not a governance decision, this is a technical one. Not only do we need to find the time and resources to figure out the technical challenges that are unearthed by moving from one to two package managers in a release, we also need support from the teams that are building it.

I talked with @cpojer at JSConf EU, and I believe that he can attest to the fact that individuals from the project have given this serious thought. We are even willing to try and see if there is a path forward, it just takes time + resources that not everyone has at the moment.

To @pluma, @calidion, and to others watching this repo. Node.js is maintained by a group of people, most of whom are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts in their free time. If you don't see something being done, and you don't have the time to fix it yourself... perhaps assume other people are also pretty busy and don't have time to do it either. The current way you are engaging in this conversation is unproductive and disingenuous.

calidion commented 7 years ago


semver is the root for the unstability that npm has now. and I have pointed out here:

that is why yarn is far better options than npm.

just because semver is the evil root.

if semver is good, then npm needs no updates.

since semver is evil and false, npm updates again and again with out any improvement.

I have pointed out the problem years ago, and yarn has implemented my idea, but npm has not.

and npm is not fit for stable release, every updates can lead to project breaking which i have encouter just days ago.

why can't i say semver is evil?

semver and npm is totally misleading on how to version a software and keep packages stable and safe.

yarn is more practical and theoretically correct.

npm makes packages unstable and keep programmers wasting time finding problems.

semver is theoretically wrong and npm is the sequential result which is unstable and problem causing!

yarn keeps exact versions instead of assuming such false compatibility from semver that keeps projects or packages stable and peace.

through years of practice and being proven wrong, I think it is time to embrace other package management such as yarn.

npm is good at easy publishing but bad at keeping package stability .

yarn makes that up.

As i have discussed with npm maintainers, they will continue semver rules.

And I think some of us may need an alternative pm tool to keep their package stable and safe.

not with npm promises no stability.

jasnell commented 7 years ago

@calidion ... This is not the place to debate the merits of semver, nor is your comment useful in any particular manner. @MylesBorins spelled out the issues rather clearly.

Given that this issue has been closed and the conversation is not advancing things forward at all, I'm locking the issue. Collaborators, please refrain from posting further on this thread. If any other CTC members have concerns about locking the thread, let me know.