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buffer: discuss future direction of Buffer constructor API #9531

Closed addaleax closed 7 years ago

addaleax commented 7 years ago

In today’s CTC meeting we discussed reverting the DeprecationWarning for calling Buffer without new that was introduced in v7 (PR up here), and it became clear that we need to come up with a long-term plan on what exactly we want to achieve, how to do that and improve our messaging about it, both before and after our actions. I’ll try to sum up what exactly we are talking about; obviously, I am somewhat biased, having been involved in plenty of the previous discussion here. (This has still gotten pretty long btw, so I hope a lot of people will find the information in here useful enough to warrant a Wall of Text.)

The Buffer constructor has the usability flaw that it accepts input with different type signatures, so new Buffer('abcdef') and new Buffer(100) will both return valid buffers, and in the latter case, the Buffer will contain 100 bytes of unitialized memory. This is a security problem for two reasons:

  1. When passing unvalidated user input (e.g. from a JSON request) to the Buffer constructor where a string is expected but a number is actually passed, uninitialized memory will be returned:
// This is a dangerous example of converting a string to Base64!
new Buffer(someStringReceivedFromTheUser).toString('base64')

Passing the value 100 here will return a slice of memory that may contain garbage, but generally can contain any value previously stored in memory, including credentials, source code, and much more. @ChALkeR has a pretty good write-up of this:

  1. Accidentally accepting large numeric values can very quickly increase resource usage, and can be turned into a Denial-of-Service attack against vulnerable applications.

Again, @ChALkeR has a very-good write-up on these security issues at It predates the current Buffer.alloc()/Buffer.from() situation, but it contains a helpful FAQ with answers to questions like “Why not just make Buffer(number) zero-fill everything by default?”.

So far, in Node v6.0.0 the safer Buffer.alloc()/Buffer.from() API was introduced and later backported to the v5.10.0 and v4.5.0 releases. Additionally, v6.0.0 came with a documentation-only deprecation of the old Buffer() API.

In June, was opened, which seeks to deprecate the old Buffer() API using a runtime deprecation, i.e. printing a single warning per Node process when Buffer() or new Buffer() is executed for the first time. Currently, that PR is still open. A reduced version of it,, was landed as a semver-major change in v7.0.0, that emits and displays DeprecationWarnings for uses of Buffer() only, but excludes uses of new Buffer().

I had summarized the goals and possible actions before that decision was made in ¹; And @jasnell has written a then-current long-term plan in that would include runtime deprecations of new Buffer() in v8.0.0 and later actual breaking changes to the Buffer constructor.

The reason for this distinction was trying to keep the possibility of making Buffer a proper ES6 class at some point in the far, far future open, which would mean that calling new Buffer() may always work. (Effects of turning Buffer into a class would be proper subclassability and breaking Buffer() without new. It is, however, completely possible to add a separate class to the API that would behave like the current Buffer implementation does, only with these differences.)

As a result of that deprecation for Buffer() without new in v7.0.0, significant pushback from well-known members of the community ensued, both in the threads on and On the one hand, it became clear that we failed in our messaging to make clear that the primary motivation for that change was helping our users avoid serious security issues; on the other hand, the added deprecation warning seemed to be incongruent with the expectations of stability and backwards compatibility that module authors and consumers have, as far as Node core is concerned.

As a result of this, the CTC decided to consider reverting the deprecation warning, possibly temporarily, and the corresponding PR is in The decision on that has yet to be made, but the desire has been expressed to reach a decision soon to limit the number of v7.x versions with possibly incongruent behaviour.

From following the discussions, it is obvious that the path forward is a contentious issue; right now, the opinions range from never introducing a runtime deprecation for any version of the Buffer constructor, to applying one for all uses of it at the next semver-major release in v8.0.0.

The strongest and most frequently expressed argument for fully runtime-deprecating the Buffer constructor soon remains that users may not be aware that parts of their application use an unsafe API and should be warned about that.

On the other side, the warning itself is perceived as a very disruptive change to the ecosystem, suggesting that it is definitely worth exploring alternative ways to reduce the usage of both Buffer() and new Buffer().

/cc @nodejs/collaborators

¹ It may or may not be obvious from the way I articulate my thoughts here – I try to stick to stating facts – but in hindsight, I regret writing it this way.

trevnorris commented 7 years ago

@seishun Here's the PoC:

'use strict';

const addon = require('./build/Release/addon');

class FastFoo extends Uint8Array { }

FastFoo.prototype.constructor = Foo;
Foo.prototype = FastFoo.prototype;

function Foo(arg) {
  if (typeof === 'function' && !== Foo)
    return addon.fromString(arg,;
  return new FastFoo(...arguments);
Object.setPrototypeOf(Foo, Uint8Array.prototype);
Object.setPrototypeOf(Foo.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype);

Foo.prototype.toString = function toString() {
  return Buffer.from(this.buffer).toString();

// User's extending class.
class Bar extends Foo {
  constructor() {
  toStringHex() {
    return Buffer.from(this.buffer).toString('hex');

const b = new Bar('a');

This is written as a native module, where fromString() is:

void FromString(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
  Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate();
  Local<Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
  assert(args[0]->IsString() && "first argument must be a string");
  assert(args[1]->IsObject() && "second argument must be a object");

  Local<Object> buf = node::Buffer::New(isolate, args[0].As<String>()).ToLocalChecked();

  char* data = node::Buffer::Data(buf);
  size_t len = node::Buffer::Length(buf);
  char* dup = new char[len];
  strncpy(dup, data, len);

  Local<ArrayBuffer> ab = ArrayBuffer::New(
      isolate, dup, len, ArrayBufferCreationMode::kInternalized);

  if (dup == nullptr)
  Local<Uint8Array> ui = Uint8Array::New(ab, 0, len);
  ui->SetPrototype(context, args[1].As<Object>()).IsJust();


I think this would allow extending from Buffer correctly.


  1. yes, see above
  2. yes, see above (though only applicable to numeric arguments)
  3. I think it would be helpful if the extended Buffer had that capability. Since this can't possibly be a security issue ATM b/c it's not possible, and b/c the case is more specialized I think it would be reasonable to allow that. Though it might feel strange to allow the full set of parameters for the extended Buffer, but not for the normal constructor. That's my only concern.
trevnorris commented 7 years ago

@seishun add this to binding.gyp in the same folders as those two:

  "targets": [{
    "target_name": "addon",
    "sources": [ "" ]

also wrap the native code with this:

#include <v8.h>
#include <node.h>
#include <node_buffer.h>

using namespace v8;

// place c++ code from above here

NODE_MODULE(addon, init)

Then build with:

$ node-gyp rebuild

If you're using a custom build of node then do this:

$ /path/to/node/node $(which node-gyp) rebuild --nodedir=/path/to/node

Let me know if that works for you.

trevnorris commented 7 years ago

@seishun mind gist'ing your code? or hit me on IRC and we'll work through it. (edit: see below)

trevnorris commented 7 years ago

@seishun i'm an idiot. First rename FromJust to FromString and then the end of the .cc file should be:

void init(Handle<Object> exports) {
  NODE_SET_METHOD(exports, "fromString", FromString);

NODE_MODULE(addon, init)

Sorry about that.

seishun commented 7 years ago

@trevnorris It seems it might work (although you'd have to add cases for all Uint8Array argument combinations to the C++ code), but:

  1. Are you 100% sure that it won't have any edge cases?
  2. Do you know what performance impact this will have compared to a regular ES6 class?
  3. I remember you mentioning that you wish to simplify the internal implementation of Buffer (and I totally share that sentiment). Adding such hacks seems to go in the opposite direction.
addaleax commented 7 years ago

@trevnorris @seishun wait… wait… wait… is this actually all that we need for proper subclassability:

class ExtensibleBuffer extends Buffer {
  constructor(...args) {


trevnorris commented 7 years ago


  1. Are you 100% sure that it won't have any edge cases?

Nope. There are no apparent issues, but I'm sure the community would find something.

  1. Do you know what performance impact this will have compared to a regular ES6 class?

In node v6 switching new FastFoo(...arguments) to new FastFoo(args0, args1, args2) (I'm sure it's faster in newer V8) shows that any overhead is in the margin of error.

  1. I remember you mentioning that you wish to simplify the internal implementation of Buffer (and I totally share that sentiment). Adding such hacks seems to go in the opposite direction.

I have two goals. One is to make internal implementation simpler. The other is to make Buffer extendable. Since simplifying internals isn't in the short-term I figured it would be beneficial to go ahead and make it extendable so users can being to write their code expecting those simplifications to occur. This change would be future-proof of sorts.


wait… wait… wait… is this actually all that we need for proper subclassability:

More or less. Honestly I didn't realize this until writing the above example.

ghost commented 7 years ago

My proposal: leave Buffer alone. Gently nudge people to stop using it altogether. Add encodings for core methods such as fs.readFile() and streams: 'uint8', 'int16', 'arraybuffer' etc which provide unmodified Uint8Array etc objects.

The fact that node has a Buffer at all is a historical accident because people needed to deal with binary data and v8 at that point did not yet have array buffer objects. Longer term, we should make all of core support native array buffers and leave Buffer alone as a legacy API that we can gradually move away from. I don't see the point of extending Uint8Array when we already have Uint8Array. Core methods could return plain objects directly.

addaleax commented 7 years ago

So, just to avoid any confusion here: All Buffer objects are already Uint8Arrays, the only difference is an extended prototype.

Longer term, we should make all of core support native array buffers

:+1: Fwiw I’ve started to look for methods that can accept generic Uint8Arrays as input on one core module and am planning to do the same for other modules. The native bindings layer doesn’t even see any difference between Buffers and Uint8Arrays, so this work pretty well everywhere.

Regarding output from core methods, I am not sure adding more (pseudo-?)encodings to core methods is worth it, since converting between typed arrays is already pretty easy as it is. Also, I’m not sure what impact this kind of change would have on streams, so I will at least leave my own hands off that.

MylesBorins commented 7 years ago

@substack AFAIK we are not currently moving forward with the decision to deprecate anything. @nodejs/ctc can I get a confirmation on that

On Mon, Dec 26, 2016, 4:39 PM James Halliday wrote:

Upgrade to 7.2.1. This was reverted in node core: #9529 Adding new won't get us anywhere because THAT will be deprecated in 8.0

— You are receiving this because you are on a team that was mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

addaleax commented 7 years ago

AFAIK we are not currently moving forward with the decision to deprecate anything

I don’t think we have consensus on anything right now, so, yeah. Basically.

trevnorris commented 7 years ago

Looking at the API in larger terms. I'd like to see us support all typed arrays, and ArrayBuffer. One place specifically for the latter is when I want to read in a large file into memory all at once. This would be possible if I could pass an ArrayBuffer to

As for what happens to Buffer. It has a lot of heavily optimized methods, and other goodies that make it much easier to work with data in node. So Buffer itself won't be going anywhere. I would like to see that it require the use of new eventually, but if that's not possible then eh. We can use the example snippet above to get proper support with class.

Trott commented 7 years ago

A decision is going to have to be made about what (if anything) to change about new Buffer() in 8.0.0 from a secure-programming perspective.

Given the...uh...lack of consensus, this decision is likely to have to be made by the CTC. (There's an additional question of what elements of any changes to backport to LTS lines, but that may not have to be decided by the CTC. The LTS folks may be able to sort that out once a decision is made for 8.0.0.)

This issue is long, and there are lots of external resources that supply info too. I guess it is probably good to at least list out the reasonable options (and omit ones no one wants) to at least have an idea what needs deciding.

With that in mind, I think these are basically the choices:

Am I missing any other options?

mikeal commented 7 years ago

I seem to recall @jasnell had an idea of how to do zero-fill without the perf impact that held us back from doing it previously.

jasnell commented 7 years ago

I do not but I know that at one point @bnoordhuis has mentioned doing some form of initialization-on-demand where chunks of the allocated memory would be zero-filled incrementally or on read as necessary. I'm not sure if there was ever any effort put into investigating the feasibility of the idea, however.

At this point I am -1 on making any significant changes in the 7.x branch.

In 8.x, I would like to switch to zero-fill-by-default for Buffer(n) and new Buffer(n). The associated performance hit would likely help encourage developers to move over to the new constructors faster.

In 9.x, I would like to see the runtime deprecation for both new Buffer() and Buffer()-without-new. That said, Buffer()-without-new should continue to work.

Trott commented 7 years ago

@jasnell Can you explain why you're opposed to changes in 7.0.0 but want changes in 8.0.0? Not trying to persuade you otherwise or anything. Just curious what your reasons are. Is it just a general sense that 7.0.0 is coming along too soon? Or is there something more concrete going on?

jasnell commented 7 years ago

We're only just over 3 months out from 8.0.0, 7.x is not going to be LTS, and I'd like to give more time for the ecosystem to prepare. In short, I see no reason to rush it.

Trott commented 7 years ago

Wow...long day or something... I was thinking 7.x was upcoming, but uh, yeah, obviously that's not the case. Updating my previous comment on what-the-options-are to say 8.0.0.

feross commented 7 years ago

I support shipping zero-fill-by-default in 8.x. Ideally, we will backport zero-fill-by-default to supported LTS lines, so that new code written assuming Buffer(n) zero-fills will run securely on older versions of Node.

feross commented 7 years ago

Also, if we ship zero-fill-by-default, the primary security issue with the Buffer() constructor (the information leak) is fixed, so I don't think a run-time deprecation in 9.x is necessary.

Docs-only deprecation has been sufficient to discourage new use of new code from using Buffer(n) in my anecdotal experience. The docs are very, very clear that Buffer() is to be avoided. And even if it does get used, we have zero-filling so no information leak is possible.

seishun commented 7 years ago

@jasnell If you support runtime-deprecating the Buffer constructor, then why do you propose to do it in the next major version after introducing zero-filling? Zero-filling should be introduced no earlier than the runtime deprecation, due to the security concerns discussed before.

Also, introducing a performance hit is not the nicest way to encourage developers to move over to the new constructors. It will likely result in one of two outcomes for a given developer:

  1. They don't notice or don't care about the performance hit. Nothing happens.
  2. They spend a significant amount of time figuring out why their application got slower, then searching through their codebase for usages of new Buffer. I bet they would prefer a deprecation warning that would inform them about the performance hit immediately after upgrading, coupled with the --trace-deprecation flag that would help them find the exact lines they need to update.
Trott commented 7 years ago

I hate to add to the ctc-review pile but we need to make a decision about what is going to happen to the Buffer constructor in Node.js 8.0.0. Options appear to be:

As with the ES modules, none of the options are great so I guess we should provide a lot of time. If the modules discussions are any indicator, the multiple-mediocre-options discussions can take a lot of time to go over everything carefully.

Adding ctc-review label... @nodejs/ctc

ChALkeR commented 7 years ago

@Trott I thought about that again, and I don't think that we should be bounded by those three options.

  1. do nothing is bad because there are numerious potential security issues in the ecosystem due to unsafe Buffer usage patterns, and forcing them off that API will indeed improve things a lot.
  2. runtime deprecate looks good in the long-term plan and is probably viable for SlowBuffer now (#8182), but that raises another issue — unsuspecting users of those packages and tools get those warnings, and think that something is broken, which it's most probably not. In most (>50%) cases the Buffer usage is fine, the original issue comes from the fact that it's not fine in some percentage of the cases and the huge overall usage, combining into a lot of potentially unsafe places. But each distinct case is more likely to be fine than not, and the users don't want to be spammed with those warnings.
  3. I expect zero fill to make things worse for the ecosystem security for several reasons already discussed, being: library authors will start expecting it which will hurt older versions, and the performance will degrade for Buffer(10).fill(0) which would make some users to rewrite that to just Buffer(10).

So, how about this: target runtime deprecation (to the most possible extent) in 9.0 (or later), but announce that with 8.0 release, introducing a new flag in 8.0, e.g. --buffer-deprecation that would enable that deprecation early so that users who want to see those warnings will get them and report the issues to affected packages, giving them 6 months to migrate without haste.


targos commented 7 years ago

I like the idea of an opt-in flag. That looks like the --deprectate-soon proposition from @jasnell which is currently closed.

seishun commented 7 years ago

I don't think a flag will do any good.

  1. Few people will know it exists, fewer still will care enough to enable it. I doubt much will change in the following 6 months. Buffer constructor has been deprecated in the docs for almost a year now.
  2. It's clear that some module authors don't care about docs-only deprecation and reject PRs fixing such usage. I won't be surprised if they will have the same attitude towards issues caused by an optional flag.
ChALkeR commented 7 years ago

Few people will know it exists, fewer still will care enough to enable it.

The crucial part here is a separate section in the 8.0.0 release notes that states that the old methods will be runtime-deprecated soon and urges to stop using those, explains the background for that, and presents the flag as the helper tool to find the code before an actual runtime deprecations emerges that starts affecting all users.

I expect some users who build upon affected libraries to be running their code with that flag and reporting issues to affected libraries. That ususally works.

It's clear that some module authors don't care about docs-only deprecation and reject PRs fixing such usage.

We don't need to cover all the cases before the runtime deprecation lands, we need to just significantly reduce the impact of such a runtime warning for unsuspecting users and give module authors time to migrate.

seishun commented 7 years ago

The crucial part here is a separate section in the 8.0.0 release notes that states that the old methods will be runtime-deprecated soon and urges to stop using those, explains the background for that

The 6.0.0 release notes already mentioned that the constructor is deprecated, and the docs give a detailed explanation why. Would it make a huge difference if the release notes warned that there is going to be a warning in 6 months, and a tool was provided to find code that is going to cause the warning? Maybe, but it seems unlikely to me. People generally don't care about what happens to their code far in the future, especially if it's just a warning.

targos commented 7 years ago

Even if the majority of users don't care about it, I think such a flag would be beneficial. I would personally use it on my applications to spot libraries that use deprecated APIs and open issues about it.

seishun commented 7 years ago

I agree that it would be beneficial, although the relevant PR didn't get much praise.

I disagree that the runtime-deprecation should be postponed in hopes that the flag will make a difference.

jasnell commented 7 years ago

I think the issues with my proposed PR were mostly around the naming of the flags. The general concept seemed to have support and I can easily revisit it with a new PR that addresses those shortcomings. That said, in the case of Buffer, my thinking is that we should be more aggressive about it. We now have mechanisms to silence warnings if necessary (env var, --redirect-warnings and --no-warnings flags) for those who really do not want to be bothered by such things. This is why we have a deprecation process to begin with.

feross commented 7 years ago

This issue continues to go around-and-around in circles.

Runtime deprecation is not a good idea for all the reasons previously discussed. We even rolled back the runtime deprecation in the middle of the v7 line because it was way too disruptive. Before trying the exact same thing again, can we discuss why we think it will be any different this time?

feross commented 7 years ago

@ChALkeR You continue to repeat the idea that zero-filling buffers will cause new security issues, but you haven't responded to my suggestion in this comment:

I support shipping zero-fill-by-default in 8.x. Ideally, we will backport zero-fill-by-default to supported LTS lines, so that new code written assuming Buffer(n) zero-fills will run securely on older versions of Node.

Also, if we ship zero-fill-by-default, the primary security issue with the Buffer() constructor (the information leak) is fixed, so I don't think a run-time deprecation in 9.x is necessary.

Adding zero-filling, and backporting it to all LTS releases causes no ecosystem disruption, and introduces no new security issues.

seishun commented 7 years ago

We even rolled back the runtime deprecation in the middle of the v7 line because it was way too disruptive. Before trying the exact same thing again, can we discuss why we think it will be any different this time?

No, it wasn't reverted because it was too disruptive. It was reverted because it wasn't sufficiently justified. This time, it will be.

@ChALkeR You continue to repeat the idea that zero-filling buffers will cause new security issues, but you haven't responded to my suggestion in this comment:

He has, though.

ChALkeR commented 7 years ago

@seishun, @jasnell I will support runtime deprecation for 8.0, given that we won't revert that again to nowhere. But I don't think that it would be accepted by everyone, and I think that it might cause too much distruption for the end users atm (the reason why we had do revert even the buffer-without-new runtime deprecation, which is just just a part of what we should actually deprecate).

feross commented 7 years ago

@seishun No, it wasn't reverted because it was too disruptive. It was reverted because it wasn't sufficiently justified. This time, it will be.

"Justifying" a huge breaking change won't make said breaking change any less disruptive to the ecosystem. The Web is WAY bigger than Node.js and it somehow manages to avoid making breaking changes. Node.js can and should do the same.

mikeal commented 7 years ago

This thread is quite long and I am kind of lost so I have a few questions.

  1. Are we really talking about hard deprecating an API used this widely?
  2. If we're that concerned with the vulnerability of the old API why would we not zero-fill it instead of hard deprecating? That would certainly cause less breakage in the ecosystem.
jasnell commented 7 years ago

@mikeal ... as has been pointed out, zero fill by default carries risks for users on older versions if modules come to depend on assuming zero-filling is the default. We need to come up with a good way of nudging users to the new safer constructor APIs without (a) incurring additional risk and (b) incurring the wrath of developers due to overly noisy deprecation warnings.

feross commented 7 years ago

For what it's worth, the next version of standard will treat uses of the deprecated Buffer() constructor as an error. I'm sure that maintainers of other popular style guides like Airbnb and Google could be convinced to add the same rule. This way, module developers are warned about the issue, without annoying regular users who can't even do anything to fix it.

mikeal commented 7 years ago

zero fill by default carries risks for users on older versions if modules come to depend on assuming zero-filling is the default

Yes, but aren't you considering entirely breaking this API for those users anyway? Whatever behavior they might rely on here is sort of irrelevant if the alternative is breaking them anyway.

seishun commented 7 years ago

Yes, but aren't you considering entirely breaking this API for those users anyway?

No, runtime deprecation doesn't break anything. It displays a warning on first use.

who can't even do anything to fix it.

They can submit an issue or a PR or set NODE_NO_WARNINGS=1.

feross commented 7 years ago

No, runtime deprecation doesn't break anything. It displays a warning on first use.

Spewing unexpected text into the stderr of a Node CLI program most certainly does break things. Pretending otherwise is irresponsible.

They can submit an issue or a PR or set NODE_NO_WARNINGS=1.

If the deprecated usage is in a deeply-nested dependency, then PRs may need to also be submitted to every package in the chain of dependencies all the way to the top package.

It's common for packages to depend on a package that is one or two major versions behind. In that case, a big refactor may be required just to update to the latest dependency and make the warning go away.

And, NODE_NO_WARNINGS=1 is hardly a realistic solution for end-users.

seishun commented 7 years ago

Spewing unexpected text into the stderr of a Node CLI program most certainly does break things. Pretending otherwise is irresponsible.

Yes, it can cause breakage in certain cases (just like any other deprecation warning), but I think that's not what @mikeal referred to as "entirely breaking this API".

And, NODE_NO_WARNINGS=1 is hardly a realistic solution for end-users.

Why not? Could you clarify who you're referring to as "end-users"?

feross commented 7 years ago

I think this is part of the problem:

"Deprecation is no big deal":

"Deprecation would be extremely disruptive":

There is a real cost that the deprecation advocates simply don't appreciate.

We all contribute to Node in different ways. I'm not implying that one type of contribution is more valuable than another. However, I would appreciate some acknowledgement of the real pain this change is likely to cause to others members of the community, instead of constant dismissals of our concerns.

jasnell commented 7 years ago

To be absolutely certain: I never said that deprecation is "no big deal", so please do not characterize my position in that way. For me it's not about coming up with a good solution, it's about coming to an agreement around the least bad approach that will be effective at moving the ecosystem in the direction we need them to go without incurring additional risk.

feross commented 7 years ago

To be absolutely certain: I never said that deprecation is "no big deal", so please do not characterize my position in that way.

Of course. The categories are probably better named "deprecation advocates" and "deprecation detractors".

mikeal commented 7 years ago

A few things we need to understand in order to have a production conversation about tradeoffs.

  1. It's a well worn argument at this point that unexpected prints to stderr are a breaking change. We can argue all day about how much it breaks real code vs. tests but what we can't do is continue to pretend that it isn't a breaking change. We all wish it wasn't a breaking change, that would make all of this much easier, but it is and we need to recognize that and treat it appropriately.
  2. Solutions that require updating the code in dependencies cannot be considered valid workarounds. At the scale of the ecosystem we have this just isn't a real thing we can entertain as a solution. If this is the only solution then the change is a breaking change. It should be treated as breaking all the modules that depend on the behavior as well as all the modules that depend on those modules and so on.

I think the problem we're running into here is that some people think that this sort of a break is a grey area, that it effectively is not as extreme as "real" breaking changes. That is not true, and we cannot afford to pretend it is true.

Many people in this conversation understand this and may still think this break is worth it. We can have a productive conversation about the tradeoffs from that point forward.

What we can't do is continue to argue about the severity of this kind of deprecation. It's a breaking change, it breaks a bunch of stuff in the ecosystem, it will keep people from upgrading, and we need to admit that and plan appropriately if this is still something people believe is worth it.

mikeal commented 7 years ago

it's about coming to an agreement around the least bad approach that will be effective at moving the ecosystem in the direction we need them to go without incurring additional risk.


I think that what @feross and a few others are saying is that the breaks due to runtime deprecation are actually greater than the breaks we'll see from zero-filling the API we want to deprecate. Both are a breaking change, but one is a bit more future proof and probably less destructive.

mikeal commented 7 years ago

Of course. The categories are probably better named "deprecation advocates" and "deprecation detractors".

And just to be fair, everyone is advocating a breaking change to the API.

jasnell commented 7 years ago

If we take the approach of zero-filling by default, then we would need to see a concerted effort on the part of the ecosystem to help protect users from the associated risks. For instance, modules that do assume zero-fill by default may want to proactively check that they are running on versions of Node.js that do zero-fill by default, and warn users accordingly when that requirement is not met. Version sniffing sucks but it would be the only way of knowing for certain that users are not being put at risk.

Aggressive linting would also be helpful. I had proposed to ESlint adding a rule around using the new construction methods but they declined given that the rule is very Node.js specific. It would be good to get some traction around that tho and I'm happy to see that standard is moving in that direction.

Eventually I would like to see a runtime deprecation when using Buffer() or new Buffer() but that does not need to be any time soon so long as we see positive movement in the right direction here.

mikeal commented 7 years ago

If we take the approach of zero-filling by default, then we would need to see a concerted effort on the part of the ecosystem to help protect users from the associated risks

So, we have @feross committed to adding a rule to standardjs. We can also reach out to AirBnB about adding the same to their widely adopted styleguide and tools.

We could reach out to Visual Studio Code and Atom to see if they can add similar warnings to their editor's default Node.js support.

We can also reach out to Snyk to see if they can add a warning when code and even dependencies do the same.