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io.js Norge - io.js på norsk
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Oversetting av #38

Open Starefossen opened 9 years ago

Starefossen commented 9 years ago

Fra iojs/roadmap#18:

The roadmap is ready to be translated and spoken about at meetups and conferences :)

I'm thinking that the best thing to do is simply copy the index.html to a localization subfolder, translate it, and replace the references to relative ../ so that we don't have to copy all the assets. Translators should also add content to the slides about how to get involved in their language communities :)

tmn commented 9 years ago

Hvordan vil vi strukturere denne i prosjektet?

mikaelbr commented 9 years ago

Tror hensikten er å lage mappen no i root og ha index.html i denne (som peker til assets via root). Samme som