nodejs / nodejs-zh-CN

node.js 中文化 & 中文社区
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Welcome! #1

Closed mikeal closed 9 years ago

mikeal commented 9 years ago

Welcome, new localizations team :)

To get this team up and running you have a few initial tasks to accomplish:

we11adam commented 9 years ago

A twitter account @iojs_cn has been setup:

we11adam commented 9 years ago

A weibo account @iojs_cn has been setup:

we11adam commented 9 years ago

I'm working on the repo stuff and will post updates here.

Pana commented 9 years ago

Great, i will also involve in

XadillaX commented 9 years ago

I will join this repo too.

stiekel commented 9 years ago

me too.

poying commented 9 years ago


branchseer commented 9 years ago

I would like to join this team;)

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

@adamme 起步阶段,先听你的安排

we11adam commented 9 years ago

@fengmk2 我只是起得早占了个坑,大家集思广益吧:) @mikeal 也没想好怎么做,只是试水。具体的还是去 里面聊。

This method of organizing the localization efforts is experimental, if it doesn't work we'll try something else :)

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

@XadillaX @stiekel @patr0nus @poying invite sent!

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

@dead-horse working on

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

@adamme Working on #4

create a new Issue to translate and publish the latest io.js post

imsobear commented 9 years ago

join :+1:

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

@imsobear invited! Please read #2 first.

zhangzifa commented 9 years ago

count me

we11adam commented 9 years ago

@zhangzifa 已邀请

iissnan commented 9 years ago

I would like to contribute, count me in.

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago


fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

all todo done

i5ting commented 9 years ago

is any contribute guide ?

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

@i5ting follow readme

hanzhong-yan commented 9 years ago


zcfrank1st commented 9 years ago


viztor commented 9 years ago


backsapce commented 9 years ago


zqWu commented 9 years ago


edengzv commented 9 years ago

期待能贡献自己的力量= =

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

各位同学,只要大家关注 issues,参与一次翻译提交 pr,并且被合并后,我就会将你加进来,避免只是为了加入而加入。

及时不参与翻译,帮忙 review 翻译也是 ok 的。

shanelau commented 9 years ago


pfan123 commented 9 years ago
