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为什么我不支持 Node 基金会 #106

Closed mattma closed 9 years ago

mattma commented 9 years ago

这是我的同事 Eran Hammer 写的。而且被 Fedor Indutny, who created iojs fork 转发,可能应该是代表了 io.js team 的意思。

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago


mattma commented 9 years ago

我个人认为写得很好。句句入骨。对了,有时间去看看我的 PR

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

那这篇就继续 assign 给你?

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

On the trademark side, Joyent has long claimed that their work to protect the node marks provided an important service to the community and to node. I disagree. I think trademarks should only be used to protect business interests, not to put someone in a benevolent position to decide what’s in the best interest of a community, especially one as diverse as node. I don’t think a node trademark adds any value. What exactly do we need protection from?


fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

Javscript Tracemark 还真是 Oracle 的

mattma commented 9 years ago

是呀。所以在最近的 NodeSummit 2015 大会上, JavaScript creator 宣布把 ES6 改名为 ES2015. Changed EscaScript development to yearly releases.

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

也是避免 tracemark 问题?

mattma commented 9 years ago

不是,目的是因为 ES6 的 changeset 太大了。未来的 changeset 是很小的改动,加大 release 更多的次数。以后每年一次 release, ES2015, ES2016 (Async and Await, current ES7 spec), ES2017, and so on

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

Cool! 明白了,看来 async function 2016年就能上了。

willin commented 9 years ago


fengmk2 commented 9 years ago
