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Reconciliation Proposal 讨论 #116

Closed fengmk2 closed 9 years ago

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

一旦 定案,我们需要投票是否迁移到 Node 项目下面去。

All io.js language community working groups (32 individual teams by last count) will vote to move to the Node project where they would continue to be endpoints for community members to collaborate with each other in their language of choice and produce localizations of project resources.

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

我个人观点:如果还是 joyent/node,我是不想这样做的。必须是 nodejs/node,或者 node-foundation/node

liuyanghejerry commented 9 years ago


guo-yu commented 9 years ago

joyent 这方的立场呢?

haoxins commented 9 years ago

必须是 nodejs/node,或者 node-foundation/node



mattma commented 9 years ago

+1 我最近去了 Node Summit 会议,看到了两方的立场。我认为 Joyent 一定要拥有 Node.js trademark. 这个不可能改变。他们是商人,是以赚钱为主。因为现在大多数的码农都去了 io.js, 他们也是没有什么办法。

从 io.js 这方面看,Rodd 和 Ben 根本没有和他们谈的余地,所以短时间合并的可能性是 0. 大家大可放心好了。没有人会继续同意 joyent/node. 我支持 @fengmk2 说的。

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago


amio commented 9 years ago

拥有 Node.js 商标可以授权给 Node 基金会使用嘛,也不是不可解决的冲突,如果双方都有积极意愿的话。

zhuangya commented 9 years ago


teabyii commented 9 years ago


booxood commented 9 years ago

必须是 nodejs/node,或者 node-foundation/node


XadillaX commented 9 years ago

我个人观点:如果还是 joyent/node,我是不想这样做的。必须是 nodejs/node,或者 node-foundation/node


nunnly commented 9 years ago

我个人观点:如果还是 joyent/node,我是不想这样做的。必须是 nodejs/node,或者 node-foundation/node


gxcsoccer commented 9 years ago


xieren58 commented 9 years ago


sushi90 commented 9 years ago


taofengno1 commented 9 years ago


lisposter commented 9 years ago

总觉得合并了 Ben 又不干了

xieren58 commented 9 years ago


fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

@lisposter 哪里的新闻?

XadillaX commented 9 years ago

@fengmk2 他的主观吐槽吧?

lisposter commented 9 years ago

@fengmk2 个人感觉

JacksonTian commented 9 years ago

我的建议是 contributor在哪里我就支持哪里。

yuanzhij commented 9 years ago


gxmari007 commented 9 years ago


channely commented 9 years ago


ycalm commented 9 years ago


DavidCai1111 commented 9 years ago


laosb commented 9 years ago


fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

Now we all in