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Closed DeeDeeG closed 1 year ago

DeeDeeG commented 2 years ago

Edited by the Node.js Website Team


Learn more about this incident at

tl;dr: The Node.js website team is aware of ongoing issues with intermittent download instability.

More Details:

Original Issue Below

When trying to get files off of or, I get a server error.

"500 Internal Server Error"

(error page served by nginx)

Full error message page (HTML snippet, click to expand) ```html 500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error


Browsing around the dirs, like, seems to work. Also, Downloading really small files such as seems to work sporadically, whereas downloading tarballs doesn't seem to work.

Given that the outage seems sporadic: Maybe it's a resource exhaustion issue over at the server? Running out of RAM or something?? I don't know.

Edit to add: The error message page seems to be served by Cloudflare. (According to the server: cloudflare response header, when looking in browser dev tools). So I guess this is a Cloudflare issue? Actually that's probably not what that means.

SheetJSDev commented 2 years ago

For some reason, redirected to, causing errors with nvm ( test failed when trying to fetch

DeeDeeG commented 2 years ago

I wonder if the site/Cloudflare are just getting overwhelmed with traffic for people downloading the latest release?

Node v16.14.1 was released about an hour ago... /

It's the latest LTS release, so everybody in the world looking for the default version of Node is downloading uncached right now, basically. (Other than as apparently cached by Cloudflare).

Should settle down in a few hours, or by tomorrow??

Note: I have nothing to do with Node's web servers or site, I'm just a regular person speculating at this point.

DeeDeeG commented 2 years ago

@SheetJSDev I think the site is backed by behind the scenes. (Using the Network pane of browser Dev Tools to inspect the traffic, the responses are served from, even when visiting

Edit: Actually just parts of it show as coming from, some resources say they're from io.js. :shrug:

Edit again: I note that the root of the io.js site ( redirects to But also, I can't see where in your CI run it visibly redirected to I just see that the server error caused nvm to fail to download and install io.js.

And at that... I'll hide my own comment as off-topic.

Trott commented 2 years ago

Closing as the issue isn't happening right now, but also pinging @nodejs/build in case there's anything to add here or something to be aware of.

Trott commented 2 years ago

People are still reporting this over in the OpenJS Slack, so I'm going to re-open this until that gets sorted.

rvagg commented 2 years ago

I have CloudFlare LB error notices spanning from ~2:40 am UTC to ~3:40 am UTC, which I suppose correlates with the latest 16.x release. Overloaded primary server, switching to the backup. Users may have got the 500 while hitting the primary before it switched.

I don't have a good explanation beyond that, I'm not sure what's caused the overload, I don't believe that server actually has trouble serving, but we have witnessed some weird I/O issues connected with rsync that maybe all happened at the same time. Perhaps during the next release someone should be on the server watching for weirdness.

ljharb commented 2 years ago

This seems to be happening again; is 500ing, and v12.22.11 just went out.

(after about 5-10 minutes, the 500s seemed to stop, but it's still worth looking into)

DeeDeeG commented 2 years ago

FWIW I am still seeing either "500 internal server error" or very slow file downloads (less than 50 kilobytes a second. Often less than 10 kilobytes a second, especially at the beginning of a download.)

More details (click to expand): The "slow download" symptom is less obvious for small files, because they complete quickly anyway. I have seen a tarball download start, take a long time (over a minute), and ultimately fail to download mid-way through. I hope that's useful to diagnose the problem. (Results may vary across the globe, since the path through the CDN is probably not identical everywhere?) Edit to add: My experience is basically identical (as described in this comment) for and And identical experience today compared to 2 days ago.
richardlau commented 2 years ago

After promoting 12.22.11 I went to rerun the same release script to promote 14.19.1 and it just hung during the bit when it fetches the promotable builds. Same behaviour from another machine on a different network. Weirdly I was able to ssh into the machine in an interactive session and manually run the command the promotion script was trying to run 😕.

I don't have a good explanation beyond that, I'm not sure what's caused the overload, I don't believe that server actually has trouble serving, but we have witnessed some weird I/O issues connected with rsync that maybe all happened at the same time. Perhaps during the next release someone should be on the server watching for weirdness.

I logged into the machine, ran ps -ef and saw we had two rsyncs in progress

root     12174 12137  0 00:08 ?        00:00:00 rsync --server --sender -logDtprze.iLsfxC . /home/dist/iojs/
nodejs   27646 27638  0 00:00 ?        00:00:00 ssh benchmark rsync --server --sender -logDtprze.iLsfx . coverage-out/out/

The first of those, running as root, is from the backup server -- I've left that alone. I killed the second one, which is the coverage data, and suddenly my other terminal running the promotion script got unstuck. This would kind of suggest the coverage data syncing is partly, or wholly, responsible. In the past either @mhdawson or I would do an annoying manual clear up of old coverage data to reduce the volume of stuff being synced but I'm going to recommend now we turn off running coverage on Jenkins and the associated data shuffling to populate and switch exclusively to

Actually as I typed the above paragraph my promotion execution has broken 😢 so there's still something up with the machine:

Are you sure you want to promote the v14.19.1 assets? [y/n] y
client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe
richardlau commented 2 years ago

Currently there are no rsync processes -- but running the promotion script is "hung" again for me 😞. These are the top things via top:

top - 00:33:22 up 195 days, 16:59,  1 user,  load average: 0.72, 0.80, 0.84
Tasks: 165 total,   2 running, 163 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  4.7 us,  3.3 sy,  0.0 ni, 83.6 id,  0.1 wa,  0.0 hi,  8.2 si,  0.1 st
KiB Mem : 16432136 total,  1251072 free,  1222728 used, 13958336 buff/cache
KiB Swap:        0 total,        0 free,        0 used. 14391196 avail Mem

25151 www-data  20   0  595256 456632 375512 S   9.0  2.8 510:58.65 nginx
25149 www-data  20   0  595796 456892 375408 S   8.3  2.8 529:56.28 nginx
25152 www-data  20   0  597244 458740 375596 S   8.0  2.8 524:21.40 nginx
25150 www-data  20   0  594556 456176 375488 S   7.3  2.8 505:23.46 nginx
25153 www-data  20   0  596728 458372 375512 S   7.0  2.8 517:06.30 nginx
25154 www-data  20   0  595496 456944 375552 S   6.3  2.8 515:04.23 nginx
   23 root      20   0       0      0      0 R   5.0  0.0 238:39.12 ksoftirqd/3
12273 telegraf  20   0 6316820  38820   7492 S   3.0  0.2  17:58.94 telegraf
   58 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   2.0  0.0   2773:53 kswapd0
    7 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.7  0.0 595:13.23 rcu_sched
   18 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.3  0.0  12:58.42 ksoftirqd/2
16257 root      20   0   42092   3784   3128 R   0.3  0.0   0:00.13 top
richardlau commented 2 years ago

I think I'm going to bounce nginx.

KevLehman commented 2 years ago

Happening same here. Know this type of comments are not useful in most cases, but in this case at least serves to know that there are users still being affected 😬

Edit: worked now for me

richardlau commented 2 years ago

I did systemctl restart nginx. I'm still seeing rsync processes from the backup server still running.

richardlau commented 2 years ago

This is being reported again, probably due to an increase in traffic from the Node.js 12 that went out earlier. This is from the Cloudflare Load balancing activity analytics: image

Grafana for the main server (DO): image image


top - 14:15:36 up 214 days,  6:42,  1 user,  load average: 1.38, 1.00, 1.04
Tasks: 168 total,   4 running, 164 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  5.0 us,  2.7 sy,  0.0 ni, 75.5 id,  0.3 wa,  0.0 hi,  6.1 si, 10.3 st
KiB Mem : 16432136 total,   885560 free,  1270772 used, 14275804 buff/cache
KiB Swap:        0 total,        0 free,        0 used. 14359928 avail Mem

   23 root      20   0       0      0      0 R  24.3  0.0 269:33.01 ksoftirqd/3
 6072 www-data  20   0  598296 443264 359044 S  17.3  2.7 737:22.52 nginx
 6071 www-data  20   0  599072 444024 359044 S  14.3  2.7 717:50.13 nginx
 6074 www-data  20   0  594416 439496 359044 R  14.3  2.7 751:33.93 nginx
 6069 www-data  20   0  599124 444240 359044 S  12.0  2.7 752:04.15 nginx
 6073 www-data  20   0  597752 442640 359044 S  11.6  2.7 748:45.83 nginx
 6070 www-data  20   0  598220 442908 359044 R   9.0  2.7 731:50.99 nginx
    7 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   1.3  0.0 722:24.29 rcu_sched
   18 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.7  0.0  14:54.21 ksoftirqd/2
   58 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.7  0.0   3122:16 kswapd0
  673 root      20   0  187004  42708  42360 S   0.3  0.3  92:42.30 systemd-journal
 1220 root      20   0   42092   3628   3004 R   0.3  0.0   0:00.09 top                                                                                         1 root      20   0  185104   4900   3136 S   0.0  0.0  26:18.81 systemd
    2 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.0  0.0   0:07.94 kthreadd
    3 root      20   0       0      0      0 S   0.0  0.0   4:51.64 ksoftirqd/0
BethGriggs commented 2 years ago

No idea if this is related - but wanted to report it here just in case. I've found the download server has been incredibly slow for the past 30 mins or so, with some requests hanging and never completing.

I spotted this during some citgm-smoker-nobuild jobs that I was running:

02:24:08 + curl -O
02:24:08   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
02:24:08                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
02:24:08  55 52.2M   55 29.0M    0     0  33587      0  0:27:12  0:15:06  0:12:06 42751
 55 52.2M   55 29.0M    0     0  33550      0  0:27:14  0:15:07  0:12:07 12811
 55 52.2M   55 29.0M    0     0  33538      0  0:27:14  0:15:08  0:12:06 10273Terminated
02:39:17 Build was aborted

Also seen in

(I hope the citgm-smoker-nobuild jobs that I've been running are not the cause here 😅)

I also tried locally and was getting 20-30 KB/s 🐢 . After ~30 mins or so new requests started completing as normal. I did have to abort the jobs in Jenkins to stop them hanging.

rvagg commented 2 years ago

I have a flurry of notifications from CF around 6 hours ago about timeouts. The interesting thing this time is that both servers are getting timeout notifications. I'm not sure what that means. We should probably do a test to push all traffic to the backup server and invalidate cache to see what sort of load it gets and whether it can handle it. It'd be surprising to me if it can't. This might be deeper, or could be a CF issue.

rvagg commented 2 years ago

And having just written that, it's flapping again right now. I'm on the main server and it's pretty sluggish, load <3 though. What I can see happening in parallel is an xz compressing log files thanks to logrotate while at the same time nightlies are being uploaded, and therefore CF cache is getting invalidated. Both servers have nginx at the top of their process lists sorted by CPU.

I've reniced the xz process to 19, it's annoying that it's 0 and I'm not sure there's a good way to deprioritise compression jobs when it's running. So what I've done in /etc/cron.daily/logrotate.conf is prefix the logrotate call with nice -n 19 ionice -c3. It seems to have calmed down after I manually reniced the running process, no flapping since then.

Another thing I'm noticing as I tail the logs is that the Cloudflare-Traffic-Manager is getting really chatty. Each of their edge locations is pinging both servers to check their health, but that means that as Cloudflare expands their network, and we maintain a fairly frequent health check, that even at idle they're serving quite a bit of traffic. Nowhere near their capacity, it just means that background traffic is quite high, and then cache invalidation shoots it right up.

So, I'm going to try something, currently our health check is: every 30 seconds, timeout after 4 seconds, retry 3 times. I'm bumping it to: every 60 seconds, timeout after 8 seconds, retry 2 times. Anyone got a better suggestion?

Screenshot 2022-04-09 170051
austinbutler commented 2 years ago

I seem to have run into this a few minutes ago. It's working again now.

ljharb commented 2 years ago

Same; it was happening a bunch for me within the last hour.

begin-again commented 2 years ago

unable to get to any of the documentation now

Trott commented 2 years ago

Seems to be resolved now, if having a comment like this with a timestamp helps anyone look through relevant logs or whatever.

ljharb commented 2 years ago

@Trott a few links are still 500ing for me

mhdawson commented 2 years ago

It's interesting we did not get reports after 18.x was launched. I'd expect if it was driven by downloads we might have seen something yesterday.

ljharb commented 2 years ago

It definitely seems more driven by the build/release process itself than by downloads later.

nschonni commented 2 years ago

Makes me think that it might be driven more by CI runners always pulling down the latest for a release, so there is a massive swarm at the beginning of the release at the same time as the cache invalidation

nschonni commented 2 years ago

Wonder if delaying the update till the cache is hydrated might alleviate it

jbergstroem commented 2 years ago

Makes me think that it might be driven more by CI runners always pulling down the latest for a release, so there is a massive swarm at the beginning of the release at the same time as the cache invalidation

I also think the global cache invalidation as part of a trigger is the cause. Too much spiky traffic.

VILLAN3LL3 commented 2 years ago

Got this issue today: grafik


After two trials of re-running the pipeline, the download succeeded then at the third try.

richardlau commented 2 years ago

FWIW I've captured this from CloudFlare image image

(note that the graph is in my local time which is +1 ahead of UTC that is used in the table)

DeeDeeG commented 1 year ago

I am having an issue with browsing/downloading the files at the moment.

I had one or two intermittent "500 internal server error" messages in my browser trying to view 16.x latest dir. And downloads have been slower than usual it seems for the past minutes, for any file download I tried (16.x tarball, 17.x tarball, 18.x tarball...).

(Mentioning in case anyone in NodeJS org wants to take a look at it and gather some more diagnostic data? Any insight you can add is much appreciated, maybe it can improve the reliability of the downloads.)

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

cc @richardlau @Trott it might actually not be a bad idea to have possibly the downloads also being done on Vercel or some other CDN.... (I also remember @mcollina was interested in this topic)

mcollina commented 1 year ago

All downloads are served via cloudflare.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

@mcollina are we sure about that? Because these 500 errors are coming from NGINX, how are they served by Cloudflare? Are they cached on Cloudflare, or what?

mcollina commented 1 year ago

Yes, everything is cached on cloudflare, might be some misconfiguration along the way, but the traffic served by our nginx should be minimal.

richardlau commented 1 year ago

Everything on is server via CloudFlare CDN. One of the issues we have though is that we have a very crude CloudFlare CDN cache invalidation process -- basically every time the website is updated (e.g. something merged to main) or a set of builds is promoted from staging to download we invalidate the entire cache. This is obviously less than efficient -- there was some discussion over this that stalled out

FWIW this is yesterday's logs of when our tooling requested a CloudFlare CDN purge. The "promote" entries are nightly builds (the four entries are two each for the nightly from nodejs/node main and the V8 canary builds). The "build-site" entries are caused by a website rebuild. Each entry here requests invalidation of our entire CloudFlare CDN cache.

2023-03-13T06:35:01+00:00, nodejs, promote
2023-03-13T07:05:01+00:00, nodejs, promote
2023-03-13T10:35:01+00:00, nodejs, promote
2023-03-13T11:05:01+00:00, nodejs, promote
2023-03-13T19:05:01+00:00, nodejs, build-site
2023-03-13T19:15:01+00:00, nodejs, build-site
2023-03-13T19:25:01+00:00, nodejs, build-site
2023-03-13T19:45:02+00:00, nodejs, build-site
2023-03-13T20:55:01+00:00, nodejs, build-site
2023-03-13T21:05:01+00:00, nodejs, build-site
2023-03-13T21:25:01+00:00, nodejs, build-site
2023-03-13T21:35:01+00:00, nodejs, build-site
ovflowd commented 1 year ago

We can close this issue. We did an enormous amount of work with #5149 and I'm convinced this issue is largely solved for now. And for the main website, this will also (pretty much) not be a thing anymore.

We are still continuously working with small changes here and there to improve things and figure out other ideas to better our infra.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

With the latest changes to the current website build infrastructure (and the way how we serve the website) ( this issue should now have minimal impact and probably not even surface anymore.

dcantemir commented 1 year ago

Seeing node-gyp failures while installing some NodeJS packages. gyp ERR! stack Error: 500 status code downloading checksum

The error is reproducing with wget:

--2023-07-31 18:38:31--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Server Error
2023-07-31 18:38:52 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.
ovflowd commented 1 year ago

As some have noticed, these issues still tend to happen; this is mostly due to the nature of canary releases and nightly releases of Node.js triggering a complete cache purge of the CDN. (This issue is being tracked)

Although the Website migration should have reduced the pain, the pain still seems notorious enough.

caiges commented 1 year ago

Also seeing intermittent failures in our CI builds:

14:04:14 npm ERR! gyp http GET
14:04:14 npm ERR! gyp http 500
ovflowd commented 1 year ago

We've identified an issue on Cloudflare that is simply disabling cache for anything /download we're waiting someone with write access to make the changes on Cloudflare.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

The fix got deployed around 1 hour ago; Meaning that requests towards should be cached again.

volumio commented 1 year ago

Seems to work nominally now.

One suggestion: since this issue was ongoing for some time, and the status page was not showing any anomaly when the issue occurred, I would suggest adding a check on some random binary versions so in case the issue occurs again it will be easily spotted and reflected on the status page.

MaxGhenis commented 1 year ago

I'm getting a 500 on

This file downloaded file as recently as yesterday:

MaxGhenis commented 1 year ago

No longer getting a 500 on

jballschneider commented 1 year ago

Hello! I'm seeing intermittent 500s or very long downloads on

Z9n2JktHlZDmlhSvqc9X2MmL3BwQG7tk commented 1 year ago

Problem still exists, downloading is too slow:

$ wget
--2023-08-30 11:44:53--
Resolving (,
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 35778144 (34M) [application/x-xz]
Saving to: ‘node-v17.9.0.tar.xz’

node-v17.9.0.tar.xz          23%[=======>                            ]   8.17M  15.5KB/s    in 5m 12s

2023-08-30 11:50:06 (26.8 KB/s) - Connection closed at byte 8568562. Retrying.

--2023-08-30 11:50:07--  (try: 2)
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
UnoMomento12 commented 1 year ago

Hi. I'm getting 500s on

pughpugh commented 1 year ago

We're seeing 500s on

broksonic21 commented 1 year ago

I actually just filed a parallel ticket for that one @pughpugh before I saw this: . Not sure why Cloudflare is caching 500s