nodejs / package-maintenance

Repository for work for discussion of helping with maintenance of key packages in the ecosystem.
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Impactful Projects Statusboard #569

Open darcyclarke opened 11 months ago

darcyclarke commented 11 months ago


This group defined a number of projects/goals for 2023 & one of them was to create a new "statusboard" (similar to npm's projects statusboard) to help track the state/number of "popular"/"impactful" packages (scope yet to be defined). I will be championing the initial work ~with a deadline for completion being the Open Source Summit EU Conference in Bilbao September 19-21st~ (undefined end-date/ongoing/WIP).


Initial Proposed Columns


darcyclarke commented 9 months ago

Update from the Collab Summit in Bilbao

List of Packages
const highImpact = [
ljharb commented 9 months ago

On the board, it’d be really helpful to be able to filter by owner, and also, to be able to show “which module systems can import this package version”, and group download counts by those.

wesleytodd commented 9 months ago

So we were discussing this last week, and I think some of those notes would be helpful:

  1. Since we are missing application code we are only getting a partial picture (500 library dependents is different depending on the type of library you are publishing than 500 application dependents)
  2. It would be nice to have a way to build queries on top of the data after the fact, but this can incur cost we are probably not willing to take on
  3. We thought about having a way folks can submit their application lock files or something to get a better view?

I am sure I am missing some topics (I think these I remember because they were things I had already been thinking about), @darcyclarke and @sheplu any notes to add?

darcyclarke commented 9 months ago

Great summary @wesleytodd. Another item we talked about came to mind:

  1. The current "high impact" projects should have their dep graph fully resolved & all transitive deps included & deduped against the current list of roughly ~7k

This specific task would ensure that we have a complete picture of those dependencies in lieu of any kind of interactive/user-submited lock files etc. (as noted in .3).

sheplu commented 9 months ago

I think between your message @wesleytodd and @darcyclarke this covers the different points we talked during the summit.

Based on your list @darcyclarke , should we remove (or have another list) for the types packages ? Even if they are used quite a lot, I would guess this is not exactly the same issue.

darcyclarke commented 9 months ago

We can add in a check for types & link the package if they exist similar to how does this today. Unfortunately, that feature didn't ever turn into a formal API/data point we can use from the registry so it's duplicative work 🤷‍♂️