not ok 2967 parallel/test-http2-large-write-multiple-requests
duration_ms: 120088.49600
severity: fail
exitcode: -15
stack: |-
server sends content 1
server sends content 2
server sends content 3
server sends content 4
server sends content 5
server sends content 6
server sends content 7
server sends content 8
server sends content 9
server sends content 10
server sends content 11
server sends content 12
server sends content 13
server sends content 14
server sends content 15
server sends content 16
server sends content 17
server sends content 18
server sends content 19
server sends content 20
server sends content 21
server sends content 22
server sends content 23
server sends content 24
server sends content 25
server sends content 26
server sends content 27
server sends content 28
server sends content 29
server sends content 30
server sends content 31
server s...
not ok 2407 parallel/test-performance-function
duration_ms: 409.14500
severity: fail
exitcode: 1
stack: |-
process.nextTick(() => { throw err; });
RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "val" is out of range. It must be >= 1 && <= 9007199254740991. Received 0
at RecordableHistogram.record (node:internal/histogram:291:5)
at processComplete (node:internal/perf/timerify:40:15)
at timerified m (node:internal/perf/timerify:87:5)
at /home/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-commit-custom-suites-freestyle/test/parallel/test-performance-function.js:103:5
at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:60:5)
at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:540:9)
at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:514:7) {
Node.js v22.0.0-pre
not ok 984 wpt/test-wasm-webapi
duration_ms: 455.00500
severity: crashed
exitcode: 3221225477
stack: |-
[SKIPPED] abort.any.js: WPTRunner does not support fetch()
[SKIPPED] contenttype.any.js: WPTRunner does not support fetch()
[SKIPPED] historical.any.js: indexedDB is not defined
[SKIPPED] idlharness.any.js: not configured
[SKIPPED] instantiateStreaming-bad-imports.any.js: Flaky on ARM with V8 >= 11.2
[SKIPPED] origin.sub.any.js: CORS not implemented
[SKIPPED] status.any.js: WPTRunner does not support fetch()
[PASS] compileStreaming
[PASS] instantiateStreaming
[PASS] compileStreaming: no body
[PASS] compileStreaming: no body in a promise
[PASS] compileStreaming: undefined
[PASS] compileStreaming: undefined in a promise
[PASS] compileStreaming: null
[PASS] compileStreaming: null in a promise
[PASS] compileStreaming: true
[PASS] compileStreaming: true in a promise
[PASS] compileStreaming: "test"
[PASS] compileStreaming: "...
not ok 78 parallel/test-blob-file-backed
duration_ms: 116.05900
severity: fail
exitcode: 1
stack: |-
const error = lazyDOMException('The blob could not be read', 'NotReadableError');
DOMException [NotReadableError]: The blob could not be read
at BlobReader. (node:internal/blob:292:25)
Node.js v20.12.1-pre
not ok 100 parallel/test-buffer-constructor-node-modules-paths
duration_ms: 1777.00500
severity: fail
exitcode: 1
stack: |-
throw err;
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]:
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
# Fatal JavaScript out of memory: MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization.
at test (C:\workspace\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\node\test\parallel\test-buffer-constructor-node-modules-paths.js:18:5)
at Object. (C:\workspace\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\node\test\parallel\test-buffer-constructor-node-modules-paths.js:29:1)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1421:14)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1499:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1232:32)
at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/l...
not ok 101 parallel/test-child-process-exec-maxbuf
duration_ms: 697.00000
severity: fail
exitcode: 1
stack: |-
throw new ErrnoException(err, 'spawn');
Error: spawn UNKNOWN
at ChildProcess.spawn (node:internal/child_process:421:11)
at spawn (node:child_process:761:9)
at Object.execFile (node:child_process:351:17)
at Object.exec (node:child_process:234:25)
at Object. (C:\workspace\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\node\test\parallel\test-child-process-exec-maxbuf.js:63:6)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1421:14)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1499:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1232:32)
at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1048:12)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:187:14) {
errno: -4094,
code: 'UNKNOWN',
not ok 103 parallel/test-child-process-flush-stdio
duration_ms: 648.99100
severity: crashed
exitcode: 2147483651
stack: |-
<--- Last few GCs --->
<--- JS stacktrace --->
# Fatal JavaScript out of memory: Committing semi space failed.
not ok 988 parallel/test-fs-watch-recursive-update-file
duration_ms: 534.08400
severity: fail
exitcode: 1
stack: |-
Mismatched function calls. Expected at least 1, actual 0.
at Proxy.mustCallAtLeast (/home/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-binary-armv7l/test/common/index.js:443:10)
at Object. (/home/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-binary-armv7l/test/parallel/test-fs-watch-recursive-update-file.js:33:29)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1421:14)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1499:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1232:32)
at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1048:12)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:187:14)
at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49
not ok 937 pummel/test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks
duration_ms: 4172.97600
severity: fail
exitcode: 1
stack: |-
throw err;
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: timingSafeEqual should not leak information from its execution time (t=7.224298851491582)
at Object. (c:\workspace\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\node\test\pummel\test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks.js:109:1)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1421:14)
at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1499:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1232:32)
at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1048:12)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:187:14)
at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49 {
generatedMessage: false,
actual: false,
expected: true,
operator: '=='
not ok 3753 pummel/test-fs-readfile-tostring-fail
duration_ms: 67.38000
severity: fail
exitcode: 7
stack: |-
throw err;
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: ifError got unwanted exception: ENOSPC: no space left on device, write
at Object.callback (/Users/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-commit-osx-arm/nodes/osx11/test/pummel/test-fs-readfile-tostring-fail.js:35:37)
at callback (node:internal/streams/writable:757:21)
at onwriteError (node:internal/streams/writable:597:3)
at onwrite (node:internal/streams/writable:640:7)
at node:internal/fs/streams:513:5
at node:internal/fs/streams:455:14
at FSReqCallback.wrapper [as oncomplete] (node:fs:948:5) {
generatedMessage: false,
actual: [Error: ENOSPC: no space left on device, write] {
errno: -28,
code: 'ENOSPC',...
not ok 983 wpt/test-url
duration_ms: 905.23400
severity: crashed
exitcode: 3221225477
stack: |-
[SKIPPED] idlharness-shadowrealm.window.js: ShadowRealm support is not enabled
[SKIPPED] javascript-urls.window.js: requires document.body reference
[SKIPPED] percent-encoding.window.js: TODO: port from .window.js
[SKIPPED] url-setters-a-area.window.js?include=file: already tested in url-setters.any.js
[SKIPPED] url-setters-a-area.window.js?include=javascript: already tested in url-setters.any.js
[SKIPPED] url-setters-a-area.window.js?include=mailto: already tested in url-setters.any.js
[SKIPPED] url-setters-a-area.window.js?exclude=(file|javascript|mailto): already tested in url-setters.any.js
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] searchParams on location object
assert_false: location object should not have a searchParams attribute expected false got true
at Test. (d:\workspace\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\node\test\fixtures\wpt\url\historical.any.js:3:...
Jenkins Failure
Backing channel 'JNLP4-connect connection from ... is disconnected.
java.io.IOException: Backing channel 'JNLP4-connect connection from' is disconnected.
at hudson.remoting.RemoteInvocationHandler.channelOrFail(RemoteInvocationHandler.java:215)
at hudson.remoting.RemoteInvocationHandler.invoke(RemoteInvocationHandler.java:285)
at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$Proxy141.isAlive(Unknown Source)
at hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher$ProcImpl.isAlive(Launcher.java:1212)
at hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher$ProcImpl.join(Launcher.java:1204)
Failed to create a temp file on /Users/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-commit-osx/nodes/osx11-x64
java.io.IOException: Failed to create a temp file on /Users/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-commit-osx/nodes/osx11-x64
at hudson.FilePath.createTextTempFile(FilePath.java:1662)
at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.createScriptFile(CommandInterpreter.java:202)
at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.perform(CommandInterpreter.java:120)
at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.perform(CommandInterpreter.java:92)
at hudson.plugins.postbuildtask.PostbuildTask.perform(PostbuildTask.java:123)
Failures in node-test-pull-request/57909 to node-test-pull-request/58008 that failed 2 or more PRs (Generated with
ncu-ci walk pr --stats=true --markdown /home/runner/work/reliability/reliability/results.md
)JSTest Failure
``` not ok 2967 parallel/test-http2-large-write-multiple-requests --- duration_ms: 120088.49600 severity: fail exitcode: -15 stack: |- timeout server sends content 1 server sends content 2 server sends content 3 server sends content 4 server sends content 5 server sends content 6 server sends content 7 server sends content 8 server sends content 9 server sends content 10 server sends content 11 server sends content 12 server sends content 13 server sends content 14 server sends content 15 server sends content 16 server sends content 17 server sends content 18 server sends content 19 server sends content 20 server sends content 21 server sends content 22 server sends content 23 server sends content 24 server sends content 25 server sends content 26 server sends content 27 server sends content 28 server sends content 29 server sends content 30 server sends content 31 server s... ```parallel/test-performance-function
``` not ok 2407 parallel/test-performance-function --- duration_ms: 409.14500 severity: fail exitcode: 1 stack: |- node:internal/event_target:1096 process.nextTick(() => { throw err; }); ^ RangeError [ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE]: The value of "val" is out of range. It must be >= 1 && <= 9007199254740991. Received 0 at RecordableHistogram.record (node:internal/histogram:291:5) at processComplete (node:internal/perf/timerify:40:15) at timerified m (node:internal/perf/timerify:87:5) at /home/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-commit-custom-suites-freestyle/test/parallel/test-performance-function.js:103:5 at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:60:5) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:540:9) at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:514:7) { code: 'ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE' } Node.js v22.0.0-pre ... ```parallel/test-http-get-pipeline-problem
``` not ok 356 parallel/test-http-get-pipeline-problem --- duration_ms: 354.00500 severity: fail exitcode: 3221226505 stack: |- image.length = 45658 recv 0 done 0 recv 1 done 1 recv 2 done 2 recv 3 done 3 recv 4 done 4 recv 5 recv 6 done 5 done 6 recv 7 done 7 recv 8 ... ```parallel/test-child-process-exec-encoding
``` not ok 102 parallel/test-child-process-exec-encoding --- duration_ms: 936.03200 severity: fail exitcode: 1 stack: |- node:assert:1000 throw newErr; ^ AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: ifError got unwanted exception: Command failed: "C:\workspace\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\node\Release\node.exe" "C:\workspace\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\node\test\parallel\test-child-process-exec-encoding.js" child # # Fatal JavaScript out of memory: MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization. # at C:\workspace\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\node\test\common\index.js:436:12 at C:\workspace\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\node\test\common\index.js:473:15 at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:430:5) at genericNodeError (node:internal/errors:984:15) at wrappedFn (node:internal/errors:538:14) at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:422:12) ... ```sequential/test-worker-fshandles-error-on-termination
``` not ok 936 sequential/test-worker-fshandles-error-on-termination --- duration_ms: 665.03200 severity: crashed exitcode: 3221225477 stack: |- ... ```wpt/test-wasm-webapi
``` not ok 984 wpt/test-wasm-webapi --- duration_ms: 455.00500 severity: crashed exitcode: 3221225477 stack: |- [SKIPPED] abort.any.js: WPTRunner does not support fetch() [SKIPPED] contenttype.any.js: WPTRunner does not support fetch() [SKIPPED] historical.any.js: indexedDB is not defined [SKIPPED] idlharness.any.js: not configured [SKIPPED] instantiateStreaming-bad-imports.any.js: Flaky on ARM with V8 >= 11.2 [SKIPPED] origin.sub.any.js: CORS not implemented [SKIPPED] status.any.js: WPTRunner does not support fetch() [PASS] compileStreaming [PASS] instantiateStreaming [PASS] compileStreaming: no body [PASS] compileStreaming: no body in a promise [PASS] compileStreaming: undefined [PASS] compileStreaming: undefined in a promise [PASS] compileStreaming: null [PASS] compileStreaming: null in a promise [PASS] compileStreaming: true [PASS] compileStreaming: true in a promise [PASS] compileStreaming: "test" [PASS] compileStreaming: "... ```parallel/test-blob-file-backed
``` not ok 78 parallel/test-blob-file-backed --- duration_ms: 116.05900 severity: fail exitcode: 1 stack: |- node:internal/blob:292 const error = lazyDOMException('The blob could not be read', 'NotReadableError'); ^ DOMException [NotReadableError]: The blob could not be read at BlobReader.parallel/test-buffer-constructor-node-modules-paths
``` not ok 100 parallel/test-buffer-constructor-node-modules-paths --- duration_ms: 1777.00500 severity: fail exitcode: 1 stack: |- node:assert:408 throw err; ^ AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: <--- Last few GCs ---> <--- JS stacktrace ---> # # Fatal JavaScript out of memory: MemoryChunk allocation failed during deserialization. # at test (C:\workspace\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\node\test\parallel\test-buffer-constructor-node-modules-paths.js:18:5) at Object.parallel/test-child-process-exec-maxbuf
``` not ok 101 parallel/test-child-process-exec-maxbuf --- duration_ms: 697.00000 severity: fail exitcode: 1 stack: |- node:internal/child_process:421 throw new ErrnoException(err, 'spawn'); ^ Error: spawn UNKNOWN at ChildProcess.spawn (node:internal/child_process:421:11) at spawn (node:child_process:761:9) at Object.execFile (node:child_process:351:17) at Object.exec (node:child_process:234:25) at Object.parallel/test-child-process-flush-stdio
``` not ok 103 parallel/test-child-process-flush-stdio --- duration_ms: 648.99100 severity: crashed exitcode: 2147483651 stack: |- <--- Last few GCs ---> <--- JS stacktrace ---> # # Fatal JavaScript out of memory: Committing semi space failed. # ... ```parallel/test-domain-error-types
``` not ok 961 parallel/test-domain-error-types --- duration_ms: 1427.32700 severity: crashed exitcode: -11 stack: |- ... ```parallel/test-fs-read-stream-concurrent-reads
``` not ok 1702 parallel/test-fs-read-stream-concurrent-reads --- duration_ms: 120066.30700 severity: fail exitcode: -15 stack: |- timeout ... ```parallel/test-fs-watch-recursive-update-file
``` not ok 988 parallel/test-fs-watch-recursive-update-file --- duration_ms: 534.08400 severity: fail exitcode: 1 stack: |- Mismatchedparallel/test-macos-app-sandbox
``` not ok 1899 parallel/test-macos-app-sandbox --- duration_ms: 1170.55400 severity: fail exitcode: 1 stack: |- node:assert:126 throw new AssertionError(obj); ^ AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected values to be strictly equal: 1 !== 0 at Object.parallel/test-shadow-realm-gc
``` not ok 2693 parallel/test-shadow-realm-gc --- duration_ms: 6236.20800 severity: fail exitcode: 1 stack: |- node:events:498 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error [ERR_WORKER_OUT_OF_MEMORY]: Worker terminated due to reaching memory limit: JS heap out of memory at [kOnExit] (node:internal/worker:313:26) at Worker.parallel/test-tls-ticket-cluster
``` not ok 762 parallel/test-tls-ticket-cluster --- duration_ms: 566.99700 severity: fail exitcode: 1 stack: |- [primary] got "listening" [primary] connecting 51915 session? false [primary] got "listening" [primary] got "listening" [primary] connecting 51915 session? false [worker] connection reused? false [primary] got "not-reused" [primary] connecting 51915 session? true [worker] connection reused? true [primary] got "reused" [primary] connecting 51915 session? true [worker] connection reused? true [primary] got "reused" [primary] connecting 51915 session? true [worker] connection reused? true [primary] got "reused" [primary] connecting 51915 session? true [worker] connection reused? true [primary] got "reused" [primary] connecting 51915 session? true [primary] got "listening" [worker] connection reused? true [primary] got "reused" [primary] connecting 51915 session? true [worker] connection reused? tru... ```parallel/test-worker-http2-stream-terminate
``` not ok 884 parallel/test-worker-http2-stream-terminate --- duration_ms: 578.00300 severity: fail exitcode: 3221226356 stack: |- ... ```pummel/test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks
``` not ok 937 pummel/test-crypto-timing-safe-equal-benchmarks --- duration_ms: 4172.97600 severity: fail exitcode: 1 stack: |- node:assert:408 throw err; ^ AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: timingSafeEqual should not leak information from its execution time (t=7.224298851491582) at Object.pummel/test-fs-readfile-tostring-fail
``` not ok 3753 pummel/test-fs-readfile-tostring-fail --- duration_ms: 67.38000 severity: fail exitcode: 7 stack: |- /Users/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-commit-osx-arm/nodes/osx11/test/pummel/test-fs-readfile-tostring-fail.js:77 throw err; ^ AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: ifError got unwanted exception: ENOSPC: no space left on device, write at Object.callback (/Users/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-commit-osx-arm/nodes/osx11/test/pummel/test-fs-readfile-tostring-fail.js:35:37) at callback (node:internal/streams/writable:757:21) at onwriteError (node:internal/streams/writable:597:3) at onwrite (node:internal/streams/writable:640:7) at node:internal/fs/streams:513:5 at node:internal/fs/streams:455:14 at FSReqCallback.wrapper [as oncomplete] (node:fs:948:5) { generatedMessage: false, code: 'ERR_ASSERTION', actual: [Error: ENOSPC: no space left on device, write] { errno: -28, code: 'ENOSPC',... ```sequential/test-http-regr-gh-2928
``` not ok 963 sequential/test-http-regr-gh-2928 --- duration_ms: 382.99700 severity: fail exitcode: 3221226505 stack: |- . ... ```wpt/test-url
``` not ok 983 wpt/test-url --- duration_ms: 905.23400 severity: crashed exitcode: 3221225477 stack: |- [SKIPPED] idlharness-shadowrealm.window.js: ShadowRealm support is not enabled [SKIPPED] javascript-urls.window.js: requires document.body reference [SKIPPED] percent-encoding.window.js: TODO: port from .window.js [SKIPPED] url-setters-a-area.window.js?include=file: already tested in url-setters.any.js [SKIPPED] url-setters-a-area.window.js?include=javascript: already tested in url-setters.any.js [SKIPPED] url-setters-a-area.window.js?include=mailto: already tested in url-setters.any.js [SKIPPED] url-setters-a-area.window.js?exclude=(file|javascript|mailto): already tested in url-setters.any.js [EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] searchParams on location object assert_false: location object should not have a searchParams attribute expected false got true at Test.Jenkins Failure
Backing channel 'JNLP4-connect connection from ... is disconnected.
``` java.io.IOException: Backing channel 'JNLP4-connect connection from' is disconnected. at hudson.remoting.RemoteInvocationHandler.channelOrFail(RemoteInvocationHandler.java:215) at hudson.remoting.RemoteInvocationHandler.invoke(RemoteInvocationHandler.java:285) at jdk.proxy2/jdk.proxy2.$Proxy141.isAlive(Unknown Source) at hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher$ProcImpl.isAlive(Launcher.java:1212) at hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher$ProcImpl.join(Launcher.java:1204) ```Failed to create a temp file on /Users/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-commit-osx/nodes/osx11-x64
``` java.io.IOException: Failed to create a temp file on /Users/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-commit-osx/nodes/osx11-x64 at hudson.FilePath.createTextTempFile(FilePath.java:1662) at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.createScriptFile(CommandInterpreter.java:202) at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.perform(CommandInterpreter.java:120) at hudson.tasks.CommandInterpreter.perform(CommandInterpreter.java:92) at hudson.plugins.postbuildtask.PostbuildTask.perform(PostbuildTask.java:123) ```CCTest Failure
Git Failure
Build Failure
fatal: No rebase in progress?
``` fatal: No rebase in progress? ```Failed to trigger sub builds
``` Failed to trigger sub builds ```fatal error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/libtool: can't write to output file (No space left on device)
``` fatal error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/libtool: can't write to output file (No space left on device) ```Progress
(2)Backing channel 'JNLP4-connect connection from ... is disconnected.
(2)Failed to create a temp file on /Users/iojs/build/workspace/node-test-commit-osx/nodes/osx11-x64
(2)fatal: No rebase in progress?
(4)Failed to trigger sub builds
(3)fatal error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/libtool: can't write to output file (No space left on device)