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Gathering feedback from companies. #13

Closed mikeal closed 2 years ago

mikeal commented 9 years ago

We have a lot of great feedback from developers and community members and I'm confident that we can continue to find even better ways of continuing that effort to create a living roadmap. While some of the feedback we're getting is about production use and usage within companies I don't think the public calls for feedback do a good enough job at getting information about problems at large production use.

I'd like to being seeking out large scale use cases and interviewing people there about their biggest problems. Now, the problem here is that I don't think they will be honest if their feedback, along with their name and company affiliation, is made public. These people care about Node, they don't want to disparage it, and the last thing we want as a project is some silly tech press article about "companies unhappy with Node."

The best way to do this might be to get a list of companies together we want to talk to and conduct interviews, then summarize that feedback in to a generalized document about all the companies we spoke to so that no individual complaint or problem can be directly associated with a company or individual.

Initial List


Focusing on companies working big Node users as a proxy for feedback.

mikeal commented 9 years ago

Feel free to suggest companies if you know of a good contact there. The initial list is mostly just companies I could think of where I know someone.

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

We @dead-horse @jacksontian are working on alibaba.

mikeal commented 9 years ago

@fengmk2 awesome! who should I email over there?

Qard commented 9 years ago


I write the node instrumentation, and our frontend people use node for tooling. Feel free to email me

JacksonTian commented 9 years ago

@mikeal feel free to email me I do some research with node core, v8, etc.

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

Email @jacksontian please :)

mikeal commented 9 years ago

Preliminary emails have been sent, waiting on feedback and in some cases a list of the best contacts within companies to reach out to.

ghost commented 9 years ago

What about

They already talked about io.js here:

springmeyer commented 9 years ago

@mikeal - I can be the contact for Mapbox | Since we maintain > 15 node C++ addons, and package them all as binaries for production deployment with I'm interested in the roadmap for binary deployment.

mikeal commented 9 years ago

Added mapbox and modulus. I'll be getting in touch soon @springmeyer and I'll just talk to the Modulus folks in person later tonight at their Node Summit party :)

ghost commented 9 years ago

modulus :+1:

emkay commented 9 years ago

@mikeal did you get a contact at Yahoo?

davglass commented 9 years ago

@emkay Of course he did :smile:

emkay commented 9 years ago

@davglass :+1:

opus13 commented 9 years ago

Auttomatic is still considered a startup?

ghost commented 9 years ago

/copy @shanselman, @ahejlsberg, @madskristensen, @jaredpar, @nguerrera, @NTaylorMullen (and whoever is missing) :bulb: :bell: PS: hey its issue #13, watch out!! (jk)

Trott commented 2 years ago

Closing all issues in this archived repository.