nodejs / roadmap

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html from markdown #49

Closed jldec closed 2 years ago

jldec commented 9 years ago

Hi Mikeal (et al)

I have been experimenting with a solution to make translations and updates to the io.js roadmap presentation easier.

The idea is to use markdown for the source, and generate HTML for publishing on gh-pages.

The solution uses 2 branches (master and gh-pages) and a subtree merge to publish files from the /gh-pages directory in the master branch into the root of the gh-pages branch.

You can see everything in the fork at

The published output is at

(robots.txt is disallowing search engines from crawling that copy of the roadmap site).

There is also a new with more detailed instructions.

I would be happy to provide support for the pub-server tool which generates the HTML from markdown.

pub-server is a pure javascript/node/npm static site generator and web-CMS based on markdown - no database required.

If you think this would help, let me know. I think you need to create a master branch in your repo before i can send you PRs for the two branches.

hth Jürgen Leschner (github/jldec)

Trott commented 2 years ago

Closing all issues in this archived repository.