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Suggestions for naming... #5

Closed tracker1 closed 9 years ago

tracker1 commented 9 years ago

Previously someone had suggested in another thread about having io be the main bin executable and npm as-is...

I was thinking that (like perl, ruby, etc..) the main executable should simply be js or /bin/js in *nix systems. And that jspm simply be a script that runs npm out of the npm repository... (where the installation will install the js executable, as well as the npm (inside npm's install itself), then link or create a run script that points to the current version.

Just thinking that js really is the language, and should simply be where it is... one other minor opinion, is that we should stop hiding new features behind --harmony flags... Especially what's been established for ES6.

gkatsev commented 9 years ago

Naming the binary js probably isn't a good idea because it is so generic, it isn't strictly just javascript, and spidermonkey already uses the js binary name. As for features hiding behind the --harmony flag. That isn't a core issue. It's v8 that's hiding the features behind the flag and for good reason. A lot of these features are still being implemented or are fully implemented but still buggy. However, given than iojs wants to pick up v8 releases on a regular basis, we won't have as much of an issue with new features because as v8 moves things from behind --harmony and into regular v8, iojs will get that automatically.

tracker1 commented 9 years ago

--harmony is a convention in node/iojs, yes it's related to feature flags in v8, but it could be easy enough to do the reverse... where --harmony is assumed unless, for example --es5 is passed.

gkatsev commented 9 years ago

--harmony is strictly a v8 option. See node --v8-options for all the flags. --harmony is on there.

Making --harmony by default is not a good idea because as I mentioned this is here experimental features go first.

tmpvar commented 9 years ago

the problem here is that there is a language called io - Unless we want to be complete assholes (and consider overwriting io a non-issue) we should drop and binary called io.

beyond that, harmony flags/enabling should probably live in a separate issue to avoid conflating these two issues. They have nothing to do with naming.

ps: i'm 100% against naming the binary io - iojs seems ok given the circumstances.

edit:just because we're running js does not mean that we will be the blessed implementation per platform (see windows vs jscript)

rvagg commented 9 years ago

TC resolution on this is something like this: project name is "io.js", binary is "iojs" with a symlink (or possibly a mini redirecting executable in the case of Windows) to "node". Maybe using the "alternatives" system on various Linux distributions to work with Node.js releases.