nodejs / roadmap

This repository and working group has been retired.
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What, if any part does this roadmap have in light of the merger? #50

Closed benjamingr closed 8 years ago

benjamingr commented 9 years ago

Is this going to be re-branded with node since the goals still stand? Is it going to be removed? Rewritten?

mikeal commented 9 years ago

The working group will remain and, after the merge, we'll kick off a new thread to update the roadmap. A lot of what is in the current roadmap has been completed so it needs some revising.

benjamingr commented 9 years ago

Roger, thanks. I'll leave this open until then.

tmn commented 9 years ago

Any point in translating it as it is today?

mikeal commented 9 years ago

Probably best to wait.

mhdawson commented 9 years ago

Not sure this is the best place to ask but once the effort to update the roadmap starts i'd like to be involved.