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Notifications for TC meetings. #7

Closed tracker1 closed 2 years ago

tracker1 commented 9 years ago

Just a suggestion, should have a notification list (meetup?) for the TC meetings, so that those that want to participate that aren't in core, can at least add it to their calendars, and have reminders etc.

vtambourine commented 9 years ago

Everyone can watch every last TC meeting in record after its done. As for me, I see no advantages of watching it online since I can't participate in discussion :)

bnoordhuis commented 9 years ago

@vtambourine You can participate through the IRC channel, #io.js on The channel topic normally calls out the time and date of the next TC call (I think.)

rvagg commented 9 years ago

I've been creating issues in iojs/io.js for TC meetings, such as for the next one. I'm not sure a mailing list is the right way to go about it but we could set up an io.js calendar that anyone can subscribe to.

For now, I'd suggest following myself and/or @mikeal on Twitter to get notifications about upcoming meetings.

Also, +1 to @bnoordhuis's suggestion of participating in #io.js, most of the TC members are there and are usually watching what's going on there and sometimes discussion spills into the meetings.

rvagg commented 9 years ago

Created an io.js calendar you can add to your own calendar, details here:

mikeal commented 9 years ago

Now that we have a Google+ page where we do all the TC and WG meetings we also have G+ notifications and a calendar.

What other notifications do we want to see? We can automated them fairly easily now that we have the calendar.

bnb commented 9 years ago

Sorry to necropost, but have you set up the calendar so you can add TC/WG meetings when they're scheduled? Do you have any more ideas for what you can put on a calendar?

mikeal commented 9 years ago

I have no idea how the access controls are handled or anything like that, maybe we should do a new post on the evangelism site to cover what we can do around this.

Trott commented 2 years ago

Closing all issues in this archived repository.