nodejs / unofficial-builds

Unofficial binaries for Node.js
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`latest` symlink #11

Closed asottile closed 4 years ago

asottile commented 4 years ago

The directory structure of is very similar to that of but does not provide a latest symlink

I'd be happy to contribute this, I'm poking around the files in bin currently but may need some direction

asottile commented 4 years ago

actually, I don't need this it seems

I was using /dist/latest but it turns out I can just as easily parse index.json in /download/release -- this is consistent across / / 🎉

thanks again for these builds, super helpful (alpine)

rvagg commented 4 years ago

^ for the record, the lack of latest is intentional. It's a holdover from long ago that shouldn't be used but is now impossible to remove because people are using it. index.json and should be the only mechanisms you use to discover "latest".

Examples of using it:

asottile commented 4 years ago

makes total sense, I'm converting a popular tool nodeenv to use those files: