nodejs / unofficial-builds

Unofficial binaries for Node.js
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add debug build #17

Open gengjiawen opened 4 years ago

gengjiawen commented 4 years ago

We discussed this in today's Release WG meeting and the consensus of the Release WG is that this should first be attempted as an / project.

@MylesBorins may be able to help with storage via Google credits.

Originally posted by @richardlau in

gengjiawen commented 4 years ago

The github workflow should be like this(

I guess xz format will be much better ? cc @rvagg

name: CI

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    container: gengjiawen/node-build
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Environment Information
        run: npx envinfo
      - run: git clone -b v13.11.0 --single-branch --depth=10
      - name: Build
        run: cd node && ./configure --debug && make -j2
      - run: 7z a node-debug.7z node/out/Debug/node
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
          name: node-debug-build
          path: node-debug.7z
rvagg commented 4 years ago

7z, xz .. I think I'd prefer xz because it's more common, but I've just discovered I have 7z on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine which I guess it came with so maybe it's not too bad a choice.

The way to pull this off is to make a new folder in the recipes folder and make a Dockerfile to set up an image to build the file and also a to perform the build. Copying the x86 one might be a good start:

You can test that it works by building the image and tagging it, then grabbing a Node.js tarball, then running it with something like:

  docker run --rm \
    -v /path/to/node-vxxx.tar.gz:/home/node/node.tar.xz -v /path/to/output/dir:/out \
    tagforyourimage \
    "$unofficial_release_urlbase" "$disttype" "$customtag" "$datestring" "$commit" "$fullversion" "$source_url"

where $unofficial_release_urlbase is "${disttype}/" $disttype is probably "release",$customtag,$datestring, and$commitare empty $fullversionis the version string of build (prefixed withvI think). I don't think$source_url` is needed for this but it's the location of the original source file that you downloaded.

mmarchini commented 4 years ago

If we're publishing a Debug build with the purpose of improving debugging experience on native add-ons, we should probably include deps/v8/tools/gdbinit and deps/v8/tools/ in the bundle as well.

gengjiawen commented 4 years ago

I am inclined not bundled them, I have a package has command to do such thing (only for lldb now).

npm i -g @gengjiawen/node-dev
node-dev -h
node-dev setuplldb
mmarchini commented 4 years ago

Those scripts are highly dependant on V8 version, we can't use the script from v12 with v10 or vice versa, for example.

gengjiawen commented 4 years ago

Those scripts are highly dependant on V8 version, we can't use the script from v12 with v10 or vice versa, for example.

Maybe a script to directly to get the script from v8 repo. we can get v8 version from process.versions.

gengjiawen commented 4 years ago

Still not getting how to do this, my thinking is to build the Node.js core and copy to related folder (foler name should be the version).

FROM gengjiawen/node-build


RUN npx envinfo
RUN echo "building $NODE_VERSION"
RUN git clone -b v${NODE_VERSION} --single-branch --depth=10
RUN cd node && ./configure --debug && make -j2
RUN xz -9 out/Debug/node
rvagg commented 4 years ago

@gengjiawen do you mean for unofficial-builds or for the scripts @mmarchini is talking about?

For unofficial-builds, cp -a x86 linux-x64-debug and edit the contents of those files to make it do a debug binary and we'll go from there. We might need to rethink that name for what we want it to be in the downloads directory.

mmarchini commented 4 years ago

FWIW I don't think we should block anything because of the scripts, we can add it later if we want to (I can do it once we have the build recipe).

gengjiawen commented 4 years ago

@gengjiawen do you mean for unofficial-builds or for the scripts @mmarchini is talking about?

Nope, I tried to build the debug part, but still not get how to do it. I am not familiar with bash.

Is there an easy way, the build part is easy

But I have no clue integrate it with current system.

mmarchini commented 4 years ago

@gengjiawen do you mind if I give it a try?

gengjiawen commented 4 years ago

@gengjiawen do you mind if I give it a try?

Not at all, go ahead :)

mmarchini commented 4 years ago

Well, it's going to be less straightforward than I thought, since the target we usually use for releases assumes the build is, well, a Release:

rvagg commented 4 years ago

Yeah, that's a bit of a doozy, but I think all of the stuff in Makefile that builds these should be relatively easy to replace in a script.

What are the resulting assets from this recipe are we aiming for? A single node debug binary, a tarball like a normal linux-x64 but debug? a collection of things to mixin with a normal tarball from How much of that make-tarball-from-binary stuff in Makefile would we need to reproduce?

The most complicated stuff in there is running configure but it's really not as complicated as it seems if we're limiting ourselves just to release builds (as in download/release/ builds, not nightlies).