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issues with meeting calendar / schedule for WG meetings #81

Closed thescientist13 closed 8 months ago

thescientist13 commented 3 years ago

Given a couple πŸ‘ from, decided to open a dedicated issue for this as I offered.

In particular, it looks like some of us are having trouble following along with the calendar.

From my end, all I know is if try and join at the time listed the issue for my timezone, for most occurrences there is no meeting happening. From the outside, it looks like what is posted in the issue is not what is actually scheduled in the calendar (some times are off by an hour)?

That said, I don't know what is supposed to be the source or truth, so I defer to whomever owns / manages that activity.

Not sure who can best help with this, I think this would be you @wesleytodd ? Can provide more info as needed. Thanks, really eager to contribute to this group! πŸ™

cc: @mhdawson / @ronag / @Ethan-Arrowood

wesleytodd commented 3 years ago

So there are a few things in place here:

  1. auto setup of the issue
  2. the calendar management
  3. canceling meetings when there is nothing to meet about

So for number 1, the goal of the meet tool was to have a bot which takes less setup. It is a GH action and we have had a few contributors over on the pkgjs repo. Happy to have more, especially if someone wants to figure out the google api's required to integrate the calendar (which would solve number 2).

For number 2, we updated the calendar I thought so that it is correct and aligns with the actual schedule. If that is not correct please link the incorrect issue & calendar invite.

For number 3, that is just part of life in this team. We are all pretty busy with things (I took a few weeks off so was not following along at all recently), so it is perfectly acceptable to cancel. Also this is a factor of having a smaller group of active participants, so when a few can't come we just cancel.

What specific changes can we make to help everyone to be better able to participate?

thescientist13 commented 3 years ago

I can't really speak to what changes need to happen unfortunately, I'm just trying to point out an issue between the calendar and what is getting posted here in GitHub. It seems these two are not in sync and so it is leading to a lot of confusion for some of us trying to join.

As another example, for the new agenda posted for this week at #82 , the times there show this

Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 8 48 22 PM

For myself, being EST and looking at the NodeJS org calendar, the meeting looks to be 3 hours off. (9am vs 12pm EST)

Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 8 46 01 PM

I'm not even sure which one is right / the source of truth? But the issue is the same for all those I have cited, the times in Google calendar vs the times in the issue in GitHub don't seem to match.

Unless I am just really bad at reading dates / times.... which I am ok not ruling out yet. 😊

edit: oops, times on the calendar are actually in PST, so I was three hours off. Updated

thescientist13 commented 3 years ago

Not sure if this is related to scheduling or just no host but but just thought it might be helpful to capture another example of a "missed" connection here as for #90 it has been about ~15m and no meeting has started yet.

Fwiw, the YouTube link from that agenda, at the time of this writing) points to a different WG

Screen Shot 2021-04-29 at 1 14 40 PM
ronag commented 3 years ago

@mhdawson i don’t think there is any active participation here anymore due to various reasons. I’m not sure how, but I think we should remove these meetings from the calendar and also kill the bot that creates the meeting issues.

At least until this gets active interest again.

mhdawson commented 3 years ago

@ronag ack. I can remove the calendar entry, not sure about the bot since I did not set that up...

mhdawson commented 3 years ago

Ok, removed from calendar and deleted the github action that was generating the meetings (I think, I know I deleted the file that looked like it generated the meeting :))

Ethan-Arrowood commented 3 years ago

active participation here anymore due to various reasons

Just want to clarify for folks: the main reason was lack of representation of multiple http frameworks. In order to make fair decisions we need more folks to be involved from various different projects. For anyone looking to get involved in other ways I recommend looking into the the http core team or stopping by !

sheplu commented 8 months ago

cleaning old issue that may not be relevant anymore