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Output Current of Digital Pins #36

Open PeterESP8266 opened 5 years ago

PeterESP8266 commented 5 years ago

I`m not sure this is Issue worthy so lease delete when not:

I'm trying to power the waterproof version of the DS18b20 Temperatur Sensor via the D1 (GPIO05) Pin.

I tested the setup first by using the 3.3 Volt Out Pin and by connecting a 4.7 Resistor between VCC and the Data Pin (GPIO04) and everything worked.

Now when I'm trying the same setup but with the D1 (GPIO05) Pin instead of the 3.3 V I only get the 85 °C Error reading as if it's not properly wired.

GPI05 puts out 3.3 V when set high so that should work. I also tried the setup with different sensors like the HR-SR04 Ultrasound and the DHT-22. They all work fine.