nodemcu / nodemcu-firmware

Lua based interactive firmware for ESP8266, ESP8285 and ESP32
MIT License
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gpio,tmr didn't work in ESP32 lua nodemcu-firmware #1747

Closed kevinlovejia closed 7 years ago

kevinlovejia commented 7 years ago

Expected behavior

same code worked in ESP8266 module

Actual behavior

Error 1 stdin:1: attempt to index global 'gpio' (a nil value)gpio.write(3,gpio.HIGH) Error 2 bh1750_Example1.lua:9: attempt to index global 'tmr' (a nil value)

Test code

for Error 1

for Error 2
tmr.alarm(0, 10000, 1, function()

    SDA_PIN = 6 -- sda pin, GPIO12
    SCL_PIN = 5 -- scl pin, GPIO14

    bh1750 = require("bh1750")
    bh1750.init(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN)
    l = bh1750.getlux()
    print("lux: "..(l / 100).."."..(l % 100).." lx")

    -- release module
    bh1750 = nil


NodeMCU version

firmware is dev-esp32 I use the tool 'FLASH_DOWNLOAD_TOOLS_V3.4.4' download the 'Ai-Thinker_NodeMCU-32S_DIO_32Mbit_V1.0_20161101.bin' into ESP32S module.



zelll commented 7 years ago

You got a 32S, then you must know ESP32 is a very new chip. A firmware to be ready for all features in a month? Too young too naive ... Please download dev-esp32 branch and compile if you want to follow the development, though tmr and i2c are not provided at this moment.

kevinlovejia commented 7 years ago

@zelll TKS, I've followed the dev-esp32 branch. Are u the firmware developer ? How much the development work was done?

zelll commented 7 years ago

I'm not. You can search issues with keyword "ESP32". There are many modules to be implemented. Today Espressif released IDF-2.0RC1, in which I2C/SPI/I2S drivers were added. Many developers are not woking for $, so we should waiting... And waiting for chip supply...

kevinlovejia commented 7 years ago

Got it. Thanks ur reply.

devsaurus commented 7 years ago

You can search issues with keyword "ESP32".

We've grouped the ESP32 specific workpackages in a github project.

@zelll you'll figure that many basic modules are still waiting to be ported. tmr and i2c are two that are required by your scripts 😞

LDmitryL commented 7 years ago

And there are predictions when it will be ready TMR module?

devsaurus commented 7 years ago

We don't have specific estimations when the tmr module will be available. @jmattsson and myself are currently the only active devs working on the esp32 branch and we both can't spend much time at the moment. Personally I keep esp32 support on a low base level between more urgent topics for the esp8266.

devsaurus commented 7 years ago

tmr module is now in dev-esp32 branch, though without tmr.delay() and friends.

LDmitryL commented 7 years ago

@devsaurus . Launched here's an example: mytimer = tmr.create(); mytimer:register(10000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function() print("hey there") end); mytimer:interval(1000); mytimer:start(); Get a response every 10 seconds - hey there. That is, the operator mytimer:interval(1000) did not work?

Start again without operator interval. Get a response every 10 seconds - hey there. Send command mytimer:interval(1000) Print the message hey there terminated. This is the correct behavior of this command?

djphoenix commented 7 years ago

@LDmitryL nope I think. I tested original behaviour when created OO-API for tmr. :interval() should change an interval, keeping timer state as-is.

LDmitryL commented 7 years ago

But what is interesting if to send a command mytimer:interval(100); mytimer:stop(); mytimer:start(); Print hey there will change the interval of about 1 second. A mytimer:interval(500); mytimer:stop(); mytimer:start(); the interval will be 5 seconds. Documentation the interval is set in miliseconds. That is 500/1000=0.5 seconds. And I have 5 seconds. What is not taken into account when you run the example? And most importantly - you have to do after you set the interval to do stop and then start the timer. In the documentation this is no.

devsaurus commented 7 years ago

@LDmitryL interesting observations, indeed. I'd guess that the FreeRTOS timers have specific constraints for changing the interval. Could require some more glue logic in the Lua layer to work around that. I'll have a look.

djphoenix commented 7 years ago

@devsaurus for RTOS timers you specify interval in "ticks" that may be accessed in portTICK_RATE_MS (if I know it right). Also tick rate is configurable via kconfig (for IDF).

devsaurus commented 7 years ago

Well, I missed the pdMS_TO_TICKS conversion in the interval function (it's in place for the register)...

devsaurus commented 7 years ago

a3dc13e3fb19c79282a1030bb3997aaafaeaf7a4 fixes tmr.interval():

It should expose the documented functionality now - no special handling required for changing the interval.

kevinlovejia commented 7 years ago

@zelll @devsaurus ,How can I compile the latest ESP32 lua firmware? Do you have any tutorial about it? I git clone the latest dev-esp32 code, I used msys2_shell.cmd run "make menuconfig" is ok, when run "make flash" I met a problem ,see below. /bin/sh: python: 未找到命令(can't find the command)

reference web:[]=esp32&s[]=idf&s[]=menuconfig

devsaurus commented 7 years ago

/bin/sh: python: 未找到命令(can't find the command)

@kevinlovejia I don't run Windows, but from the error message I guess that something with the python installation is not ok.

zelll commented 7 years ago

@kevinlovejia download , unzip, open mingw32.exe, run

git clone
cd nodemcu-firmware
git checkout dev-esp32
git submodule update --init
make menuconfig

You should get a NodeMCU.bin in build/.

kevinlovejia commented 7 years ago

@zelll I followed your steps and got the NodeMCU.bin finally. Thank you very much.