noderaider / redux-idle-monitor

A Redux component to schedule events at stages of user idleness across multiple browser tabs.
MIT License
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Consant errors from invariant dependenvy in DEV mode #11

Closed marekadamek closed 7 years ago

marekadamek commented 7 years ago

redux-idle-monitor: 0.5.3 invariant: 2.2.2


In dev mode (NODE_ENV !== 'production') invariant library throws errors every time a monitored action is fired. The error is as follows:

browser.js:26 Uncaught Error: invariant requires an error message argument at invariant (browser.js:26) at selectIdleState (actions.js:69) at actions.js:48 at HTMLDocument.onActivity (actions.js:115)

and is caused by the line: (0, _invariant2.default)((0, _typeof3.default)(state.idle) === 'object');

The problem for this is that second parameter for invariant function (format) is not passed. In the result it fails on the condition:

if (format === undefined) { throw new Error('invariant requires an error message argument'); }

Could you confirm whether or not it'll be fixed?

Thanks, Marek

cchamberlain commented 7 years ago

@marekadamek thank you for opening. This is related to the most recent release. I'm fixing now should have something published shortly.

cchamberlain commented 7 years ago

@marekadamek published fix to version v0.5.4. Can you npm i -S redux-idle-monitor@latest and let me know if you have any more issues?


marekadamek commented 7 years ago

@cchamberlain thanks for quick response and fast fix. Works well in v0.5.4. Great work!