nodeschool / amsterdam

Repository for organising Amsterdam NodeSchool events.
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NodeSchool Amsterdam 3 #2

Closed hughsk closed 9 years ago

hughsk commented 10 years ago

@mmalecki @yoshuawuyts how does Sunday, September 28 sound?

So I'm interested in giving shader-school a shot this time round, but I'm open to alternatives too. Any preferences or hesitations? It's a heavy workshop so would either want to do just that or do it in combination with the three.js one, though I haven't tried it yet. Could also hold off until the next month and do planet-proto and stream-adventure.

Also noting here that next time we should have a 5-minute intro for each of the workshops :)

hughsk commented 10 years ago

Oh and @yoshuawuyts, is Wercker a definite venue?

yoshuawuyts commented 10 years ago

@hughsk I'll come back to you on the other points, but I just confirmed Wercker as the host venue. :D

hughsk commented 10 years ago

Great! :D

yoshuawuyts commented 10 years ago

Okay, I've had some time to think about this.

I definitely agree that giving in intro is a very good thing to do. It might add a little more structure and direction to the meetup, also giving us a central moment to introduce the mentors, give some announcements and general info. Let's discuss how we want to approach this in the separate thread.

Variety is the spice of life, and node == life, so variety is node. Kind of. I think we should keep the 3 course setup like we got now, but mix it around a little. I propose we provide 1 introductory course, 1 advanced course and a third of an arbitrary level. If applicable it'd also be nice to match courses according to themes so we people get a better sense of where what the particular meetup is about.

As a third remark it might be good if mentors explicitly prepare for a single course. This way we can spread the load a little better between the mentors and hopefully raise the quality of the workshops.

So all in all, I think it'd be great idea to do the next meetup in a graphics theme, with three.js, shader-school and a third introductory course.

hughsk commented 10 years ago

Sweet – agree with all of this. We might want to run though the three.js one over the weekend to see what it's like, just because I don't know anybody who's done it :)

Also! @cabbibo has just moved to Amsterdam and he's been doing a ton of interesting WebGL projects, e.g. and He's said he's interested in giving a talk and/or helping out with the workshops – though I think more so the former, what do you reckon?

yoshuawuyts commented 10 years ago

Yeah, that'd be awesome! Do you want to hang out tonight / tomorrow maybe?

I think it's nice if @cabbibo gives a short talk about WebGL somewhere in the 10 - 15 min range. Maybe less on the 'introduction side', and more on the: 'hey look at all these awesome things' side?

hughsk commented 10 years ago

Yeah sounds good! We're grabbing dinner tonight if you wanna join?

yoshuawuyts commented 10 years ago

Yeah, sounds great! Where do you want to meet?

hughsk commented 10 years ago

Wanna meet at Workspace6 and then we'll work out what to do from there?

yoshuawuyts commented 10 years ago

Yeah, sure! See you at 18.15-ish?

hughsk commented 10 years ago

Sure thing :)

yoshuawuyts commented 10 years ago

Maybe it's a good idea to make the event, since we've got a location + topics :D ?

yoshuawuyts commented 10 years ago

Well, 2/3 workshops haha.

hughsk commented 10 years ago

@yoshuawuyts yup! I'll create it tomorrow afternoon once I've run through the three.js workshop. Was fun catching up with you both the other night, let's do it again sometime soon :)

yoshuawuyts commented 10 years ago

@hughsk Awesome! Yeah, we should definitely do that again soon ^^.

mmalecki commented 10 years ago

28th doesn't really work for me (neither does any day in the last week of September), and after that I'm going to be out of Amsterdam for a bit, but don't let that stop you :).

yoshuawuyts commented 10 years ago

Baww, we should definitely catch up before you're off to Poland though.