nodeschool / augsburg

NodeSchool chapter for Augsburg, DE
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October 2015 #1

Closed meaku closed 8 years ago

meaku commented 8 years ago

We are planning a nodeschool @peerigon in November. The event will be public and we will invite our students from the university of applied sciences.

@alexlawrence maybe your students will be interested as well? There are some workshoppers targeting js and not only node.js specific stuff.

alexlawrence commented 8 years ago

@meaku Maybe. Tell me the dates and a brief agenda and I can inform my students. However they will take an exam at the beginning of November.

meaku commented 8 years ago


We want to organize nodeschool events every 2 months. So maybe next time will be better for your students.

alexlawrence commented 8 years ago


machucarro commented 8 years ago

Hi @meaku! I'm already signed in! But I was thinking that if it will be an introductory course with some node basics perhaps I may be more useful giving you a hand to organise it, what do you think? If you come up with something I may help with just say! :)

meaku commented 8 years ago

Thanks @machucarro for your offer to help us!

There are various workshops participants can choose from: So you can choose a workshops that challenges you.

We are 4 mentors at the moment, which should be fine for 15 nodeschool visitors. But it's the first time and we don't know the skill-level to expect from the visitors. Maybe you could help us mentoring. Is it ok for you to decide spontaneous depending on the skill-level?

machucarro commented 8 years ago

Sure! Let's do it like that. if on site you see you need a hand, just tell me! As you saw I'm not that bad improvising ;)

meaku commented 8 years ago

Hehe. Thanks! I think you are an expert when it comes to improvising :+1:

machucarro commented 8 years ago

oh, you made me blush man! thanks for the compliment! :)