nodeschool / berlin

:bear: learn coding with nodeschool berlin (๑>ᴗ<๑)
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NodeSchool #2 #1

Closed finnp closed 9 years ago

finnp commented 10 years ago

Currently planning on having a NodeSchool on September 15 during

To Do:

finnp commented 10 years ago

@balupton @bergie @timaschew Anyone of you interested in helping with mentoring again? Have a look here

timaschew commented 10 years ago

yeah, of course :)

@KenanSulayman are you interested?

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago


finnp commented 10 years ago

@timaschew Cool, get yourself a mentor ticket, so we can keep track of who is helping out:

balupton commented 10 years ago

I'm back in Aus now, so can't mentor. Try reach out to Microsoft Ventures, as they hosted the last one and provided free drinks.

19h commented 10 years ago

@timaschew :+1:

finnp commented 10 years ago

After seeing the awesome hexagon designs by substack (, I had the idea that we could print some stickers and maybe use them kind of like does with patches. So if you finish a workshopper you can get a sticker for the workshop.

Also we already have this sticker I guess getting them printed could be something sponsors could cover.

finnp commented 10 years ago

Okay I have no experience with writing sponsorship requests, but I did use this now: Open for feedback.

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

sounds good! do you really need 200 euro for stickers?

finnp commented 10 years ago

No not really, maybe the next time I should write something like "sticker sponsoring starting from 80€ (the more you sponsor, the more we can print)". Main reason is that it would be nice to print stickers for the different beginners workshoppers and also a generic one.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

How much is sponsorship? DigitalOcean would love to get involved :)

Also, I'll be there :)

finnp commented 10 years ago

@mikeal Wow, awesome! With 240€ we can cover the costs for drinks and the venue (assuming 100 people will be there, which will probably not happen, but better to be safe). Another 100-200€ and we can print some awesome NodeSchool stickers for the attendees. Additional money could be used for food, but there are no plans yet.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

whoever is doing the invoicing should email me, mikeal dot rogers at gmail :)

finnp commented 10 years ago

@mikeal I wrote you :)

finnp commented 10 years ago

About the schedule, we have the venue from 17.00 to 22.00. Here is my proposed schedule. The time for setting up might be a bit long, but whoever is good to go might help others or already start with challenges. Also maybe not everyone will be there in time :)


18:00 Short Intro & Setting up Software 19:00 Learn you node 20:00 Optional Break, e.g. encourage to present solutions 21:00 Wrap-up

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@finnp friend recommended for printing stickers

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

I would like to propose Wed 10th, 7PM @Wikimedia (Tempelhofer Ufer 23, OSM) to meet and coordinate this workshop. If someone can't make it or has other proposal please just comment here.

@mikeal @timaschew @KenanSulayman @johannhof

I've also just sent email to everyone registered as mentor with invitation to continue conversation here :octocat:

johannhof commented 10 years ago

:+1: Wednesday's good

I haven't been to the previous event and would love to get a little introduction on how I can help you guys/everyone. :sunglasses:

made-by-chris commented 10 years ago

ill be straddling the fence between student and mentor! i've dabbled and have the rough concepts but am still a bit green :)

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@basiclaser great! you can start as student and once you finish workshop fast you can then help out others :smile: please still come to mentors meeting if you like!

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@all please consider helping with last wave of promotion

finnp commented 10 years ago

Martin scheduled the OTS meetup for the same time (6.30pm) at co.up. Should we just move the meeting there?

johannhof commented 10 years ago

It's 7:30 if I'm correct. I'd prefer to meet earlier if that is possible. 6:30 would be good for me.

prigara commented 10 years ago

We could provide WebStorm classroom licenses for the participants and provide several personal licenses that could be raffled during the meetup. Any interest in that?

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

thanks for pointing it out @finnp! @johannhof and everyone let's meet then at 6:30 co.up (5th floor) together/alongside OTS JS for absolute beginners, preparation hangout for coaches

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@prigara do you plan to participate in this workshop yourself? I would encourage people to use code editor they already know so they focus on learning Node.js and not new editor. Still if you come and would like to offer some personal licenses of WebStorm to participants I don't see problem with it (as long as no one else mentoring during that event will object it)

timaschew commented 10 years ago

Agree with @elf-pavlik

prigara commented 10 years ago

@elf-pavlik unfortunately, I'm leaving Berlin that evening and have to be in the airport by that time. Totally agree that the main focus now should be on learning Node.js, but still we could issue a multi-user classroom license for those who are already familiar with IntelliJ IDEs and interested in using that.

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@prigara can you make it to our mentors meeting today? Otherwise please send all the information to email address you can find in my github profile. I can mention it during the workshop but please don't expect that we will put a lot of emphasis on it. And as I said, I will encourage people to work with tools they know and focus on learning Node.js during that evening. I hope it doesn't sound like we (or just I) don't appreciate you offer, on contrary thank you for your interest in offering your product to help people with learning technology which we all here feel excited about!

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

what do you think about using basic workbooks which just have empty files ready to edit? i just started discussion about it

made-by-chris commented 10 years ago

just to confirm: where/when is meeting today?

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@basiclaser 6:30PM in co.up

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@glaubinix thanks for registering as mentor! can you join us for short prep meeting at 6:30 in co.up?

glaubinix commented 10 years ago

@elf-pavlik sorry I am on an offsite until friday morning.

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@glaubinix roger! please stay tuned to this thread :ear:

glaubinix commented 10 years ago

@elf-pavlik Sure, will do.

finnp commented 10 years ago


timaschew commented 10 years ago

I can manage the meeting today, but I will be there on 15th.

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@finnp we meet today together with @xMartin and I hope we can invite everyone who have no experience with JS to the Sunday workshop.

grncdr commented 10 years ago

I may be able to help with coaching on Monday

finnp commented 10 years ago

I am going to write an email to the people, who have no experience with JavaScript with this link and maybe othere resources:

johannhof commented 10 years ago

So, having access to a PC, I volunteered to try and install Node and Git to verify this is possible and provide a reference.

Installing Git


Go to and click the download button. Run the .exe you just downloaded


Follow the installation instructions, I went with the following options:

screenshot 2014-09-12 19 20 08

Git for Windows ships with a unixy terminal app, which is good, so choose the first option here.

screenshot 2014-09-12 19 20 38


Now you should have this on your desktop. Executing it opens the Git Bash. screenshot 2014-09-12 19 38 32

Installing Node.js


Go to and click the install button. Run the .exe you just downloaded


Follow the installation instructions. I always went with the preselected options.


After the installation is finished, you can verify it worked by opening your Git Bash (see above) and entering

node -v

it should return something like v0.10.31

Learn you Node!

You can use the Windows Git Bash like other people use their Linux or OSX Terminals, they have roughly the same set of commands.

That means you can now install learnyounode by following the instructions here

ATTENTION sudo does not seem to work in the Git Bash, so just leave it out (you shouldn't use it with npm anyway)

johannhof commented 10 years ago

So yeah, it worked.

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

awesome! thanks @johannhof :star2:

Nilos commented 10 years ago

Hi everyone, I would like to join as a mentor. Already registered on

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

Hi @Nilos, welcome on board and THANK YOU!

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

Hi @Autarc, welcome on board and THANK YOU for joining as mentor!

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@finnp I'll make this one page to show on projector!

finnp commented 10 years ago

@elf-pavlik Okay great, thanks. Can you push it to a new branch here, when you're done?

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

@finnp i'll just put this one full screen -