nodeschool / dublin

repo for organizing the dublin nodeschools
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Locations #4

Open No9 opened 9 years ago

No9 commented 9 years ago

Hey @johnbrett @gangleri @davecocoa @lorcanmcdonald @jasonmarah

@akohli and @njprrogers (?) have expressed an interest in hosting a nodeschool at their offices. Citi and Gilt respectively.

I am opening this ticket to get a view from other organizers as to whether we see a rotating venue as a good idea or not.

While I think that rotating venues could help solidify external organisations commitment into the community it isn't clear to me if it will benefit attendees.

My current understanding is that our current location is available to us for a while but that is subject to confirmation after our initial trial on the 12th.

francesmcmullin commented 9 years ago

Personally, I'm fine with using different venues and I can imagine different venues being convenient for different attendees. On the other hand, with a finite number of mentors, we might find ourselves spread too thin and attendees might lose a sense of continuity if their local venue only has events every 3 months.

In summary, I can see potential benefits to rotating or not rotating so I would probably be fine with either.

johnbrett commented 9 years ago

My thoughts are similar to both of you on this, I can see benefits to both. I'm not aware of any other meetup that rotates venue actually.

Only one concern though, what is the attendee limit of each venue? If one is much smaller, would it mean we have to reduce number of available places every third month or something like that?

lorcanmcdonald commented 9 years ago

I'd be inclined to run a few of these in one location first, to iron out any issues we might have before adding extra, potential, complexity. Due to the way Dublin's transport works, city centre would seem the most sensible?

As I said in the twitter conversation before we got the github repo, the company I work for, ServiceFrame, are interested in hosting these too, just to add extra complications... :wink:

njprrogers commented 9 years ago

Hi all, Even if you don't need to take advantage of the offer just now, it could be a handy option for the future. As for numbers, we seated 21 at a Docker training session we hosted for the community a couple of weeks ago which sounds like a similar setup to what is required for a nodeschool. We could probably add 5 more to that. We got 60 for our last Scala meetup but that was probably too many, to be honest (that was just talks). If you want to check out the space, we are hosting a microservices meetup on Tue Mar 31. See We are based on the Shelbourne Rd. Cheers Nick