Hey @oneilkevin, thanks for joining the Hangout, I will post our minutes here.
Meeting Minutes - 20150112
Understanding what nodeschool.io is and how to run it properly.
Share articles, links, and videos to elaborate on nodeschool.io organization.
Discuss target time frame for first event.
Outline venue criteria ideas.
Venue criteria
Located in the Shonan region
Large enough for ~15 people
Desks / long table + chairs
Plenty of power cables / strips / octopus strips
Wifi router
Internet connect
^^^^^all of the above has to be free^^^^^
Time frame for first event
This is still up in the air. We would like to have preparations for the first event ready by March. If we can find a venue by March, and get enough interest, then we can go ahead with scheduling for March. If not, we will have the event preparations planned and will be able to schedule the first event whenever enough interest and and event location is secured.
Action items
Familiarize ourselves with successful nodeschool chapters:
Hey @oneilkevin, thanks for joining the Hangout, I will post our minutes here.
Meeting Minutes - 20150112
Venue criteria
Time frame for first event
This is still up in the air. We would like to have preparations for the first event ready by March. If we can find a venue by March, and get enough interest, then we can go ahead with scheduling for March. If not, we will have the event preparations planned and will be able to schedule the first event whenever enough interest and and event location is secured.
Action items