nodeschool / haarlem

:school: :beers: :pizza: Repository for organizing the Haarlem NodeSchools
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Add team members to NodeSchool chapter-organisers group #3

Closed stefanmirck closed 8 years ago

stefanmirck commented 8 years ago

Hi @rickheere,

Can you add @jpwesselink, @codeflyer and myself to the chapter-organisers group? You probably need to do something like this:

rickheere commented 8 years ago

@nodeschoolbot add-user stefanmirck @nodeschoolbot add-user jpwesselink @nodeschoolbot add-user codeflyer

nodeschoolbot commented 8 years ago

I have added @stefanmirck, @jpwesselink, @codeflyer to the chapter-organizers team.

rickheere commented 8 years ago

@nodeschoolbot team-user haarlem stefanmirck @nodeschoolbot team-user haarlem jpwesselink @nodeschoolbot team-user haarlem codeflyer

nodeschoolbot commented 8 years ago

Here is what I can do for you:

jpwesselink commented 8 years ago

Seems to have done the trick. Can we close this?

stefanmirck commented 8 years ago

Reopening issue to add @lulusam to the team.

@nodeschoolbot add-user lulusam

nodeschoolbot commented 8 years ago

I have added @lulusam to the chapter-organizers team.

stefanmirck commented 8 years ago

@nodeschoolbot add-team-user haarlem lulusam

nodeschoolbot commented 8 years ago

I have invited @lulusam to the haarlem team.

jpwesselink commented 8 years ago

Welcome @lulusam :)