Closed iancrowther closed 8 years ago
I have manually added London, but this really should be automated from now on
It should be better than automated: Convention over configuration I say:<chapter>/chapter.json // {name: 'Chapter Name', location: {lat: ..., lon: ..., name: '' }, contributors: [{}], admins: [{}]}<chapter>/events.json // [{start: new Date(), end: new Date(), name: 'Crazy NodeSchool event', location: {lat: ..., lon: ..., name: '', url: ''}, signup: ''}]<chapter>/badge.png (385x443)<chapter>/badge.svg
ooo i like that a lot..
I figured once you fill in the form, your enrolled? Do we want chapters to put in a PR to add logo's etc? Do we manually keep the list updated?
385x443 ← Size now used on the homepage
I am working on a cli tool to set this up. Keeping you posted (of course: all automatic)
Legend 😀
With NodeSchool International Day only 11 days away, should I create a pull request to get our chapter listed on
This would be the pr if you want to add it:
<div class="col s12 m3">
<a href="" class="black-text" target="_blank">
<div class="card center hoverable">
<div class="card-content">
<h5 class="card-title ">Bainbridge Island</h5>
<img class="chapter-logo" src="" alt="Nodeschool Bainbridge Island Logo">
<div class="card-action center">
<span>Visit Chapter</span>
I agree with @TylerMoeller ... @costaricajs can also help, just let us know what needs to be done.
@gaboesquivel The initial proposal was dumped. We need a PR that adds the logos of the registration form (google docs) directly on the page:\?format\=csv\&id\=1XHEtzfLpixcQpogVzNdm-sVVqw4YHJ1IBllCk5H9oyc\&gid\=1860810608
@msolano00 is working on it. Please link your PR to this issue. Thanks !
Hey guys, I have a quick question, I cloned the original repo, but @TylerMoeller has now updated the index, so I am wondering if I should clone Tyler's repo (in order to keep record of the previous badges), work over it, merge it to mine and then boom make a pr.
International-day chapter badges #125
we have an enrolment form, so we can csv -> json and simply render