nodeschool / international-day

international nodeschool day - 2016
53 stars 19 forks source link

Distributed Computing Cluster #16

Closed sunnyrjuneja closed 9 years ago

sunnyrjuneja commented 9 years ago

It would be awesome if we had a nodeschool event which everyone wrote a node in a distributed system. Ideally, something that would become "more powerful" as more people join it. I was thinking something along the lines of a parallel computing, torrent, or something block chain like. Security/noob friendly are both big considerations.

Maybe a torrent of the latest node/iojs release? Or the nodeschool image? Or a map of everyone connected at the same time that doesn't use a central server?

Here's some prior art/ideas:

No9 commented 9 years ago

Hey @whatasunnyday Put together a workshopper for creating torrent networks for international day It's meant to be simple but we could add a couple of extra steps so people join a global network?

sunnyrjuneja commented 9 years ago

@No9 That was really interesting. I learned a bit about torrents. How about we use something like DHT to transmit geolocation and build a visualization tool using something like DataMaps? If you're interested, maybe we can append it to your current NodeSchool.

No9 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback

:+1: on DHT and visualisation
Are you thinking of ? Maybe wrap it as another command line utility as a diving into a coding a DHT might be a bit of a leap?

Then have the DataMap linked to the bootstrap nodes of the DHT so we can see folks joining the network?

Anyhow more than interested in having it in the current node-school so any feedback or code greatly received.

grabbou commented 9 years ago

Maybe kind of central server that each chapter can connect with? (then think of what to do with connections)

iancrowther commented 9 years ago

@whatasunnyday can you move this into a broader nodeschool discussion. Its prob not getting the attention it deserves in this repo

sunnyrjuneja commented 9 years ago

@iancrowther sure where to? mailing list? github repo? i don't know much about where NS discussions happen.

grabbou commented 9 years ago

Well, organizers repo?