nodeschool / italy

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Milano Call for mentors - 24th November #38

Open piccoloaiutante opened 7 years ago

piccoloaiutante commented 7 years ago

Hi guys,

i've already started to organise a new nodeschool event in Milan on 26th of October. Who is up to mentor at that event?

@teomurgi @simoneb

teomurgi commented 7 years ago

I’m available to mentor :)

simoneb commented 7 years ago

thanks @piccoloaiutante but I'm afraid that mid-week I can't make it up there

diegobent commented 7 years ago

sorry @piccoloaiutante but I can't

piccoloaiutante commented 7 years ago

thanks anyway guys @simoneb @diegobent

teone commented 7 years ago

@piccoloaiutante I'll be there!

piccoloaiutante commented 7 years ago

@teone that's awesome!

lambrojos commented 7 years ago

I will be there of course :)

piccoloaiutante commented 7 years ago

@lambrojos yeah you were counted by default ;-) BTW see you all saturday at NodeJS Conf IT

piccoloaiutante commented 7 years ago

due to the low attendees this node school will be postponed to 24 november. Who's still up?

piccoloaiutante commented 7 years ago

@lambrojos @simoneb @teone @diegobent @teomurgi nodeschool has been postponed to 24th november!

simoneb commented 7 years ago

@piccoloaiutante mid week I can't make it I'm afraid

piccoloaiutante commented 7 years ago

ping @teomurgi @lambrojos @teone @diegobent

teomurgi commented 7 years ago

@piccoloaiutante: sorry guys I'm busy that day

lambrojos commented 7 years ago

@piccoloaiutante I'm in