Closed max-mapper closed 10 years ago
cc @iancrowther @olizilla
welcome back Max :)
WOO! +10. We could get a @nelsonic BowlingJS and an @achingbrain DimSumJS in the pipe.
We just started organising a nodeschool on the 12th, but there is no reason we couldn't pull it forwards a few days.
also, @dscape :hand:5
As luck would have it, the next DimSumJS is October 30th -
Sounds like a Plan! How about Thursday 6th Nov for Bowling? @olizilla @maxogden @achingbrain @alanshaw
6th is good for me.
@maxogden we had pencilled in the 12th to do a nodeschool already, is this too late?
dang I fly out at 11am on the 12th
enjoy :)
we can move it, what date? @nelsonic can you update the newsletter if it went out? What date folks?
@maxogden nodeschool london is scheduled for Nov 10th! Are you free?
Dim Sum on Wednesderp Thursday?
@nelsonic I cannie do the 6th, any other dates available?
DimSumJS on Thursday
@olizilla ILL BE THERE!
cool - ill be at DimSum..
hey all,
ill be around london (living in an airbnb w/ 2 cats and @jlord -- no joke) from oct 24 - nov 12. lets hang out and maybe do a nodeschool!