nodeschool / los-angeles

nodeschool: LA Edition
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Organizer / Mentor checklist and tips for 7/25/2015 event #29

Closed d48 closed 9 years ago

d48 commented 9 years ago

For all those involved in coordinating and mentoring, please look below and mark if you can assist with any of the following. Below are some tips for mentoring as well if this is your first time.


Name Time Description
Pre-event 1:30pm - 2:00pm Will Sentance talk
Check-in 2:00pm - 2:30pm Check list and hand out name tags, marker to write
Snack / Drink 2:30pm - 3:00pm Food and refreshments before we start
MC Welcome / Overview 3:00pm - 3:10pm Introduction and explain general setup of workshop install and mentor access
Workshop start 3:10pm Attendees installing/learning and asking mentors questions
Break 4:10pm Bio break and stretch
Workshop end 5:30pm Let attendees know about 30 minutes. Final help and clean up
After event 6:00pm - ? Drinks with Codesmith sponsoring
marksanghoonkim commented 9 years ago

Hi ryan! I'm on the waitlist for this Saturday's workshop. Really interested in this and if there's anything I can do to help, let me know! I'm close to the area so I can do errands or anything if needed!

d48 commented 9 years ago

Thank for your interest Mark. If we can accommodate those on the list you should get an email by end of day today. Thanks for your willingness to help! I'll let you know by this evening

d48 commented 9 years ago

Mentors, we will be arriving an hour earlier or so to get situated, 1pm or earlier. Feel free to come by any time to help set up and/or hang out.

d48 commented 9 years ago

Thank you everyone, what a great Saturday event! Anyone up for a post-write up? All mentors, we need your feedback to make the next one even greater. Please fill out this google form when you get a moment: