nodeschool / nyc

Organizing nodeschool events in New York, NY!
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nodeschool feb 2016 (#12) #16

Closed gautamarora closed 8 years ago

gautamarora commented 8 years ago



  1. javascripting
  2. learnyounode
  3. count-to-6
  4. expressworks


Confirmed Mentors:

  1. @gautamarora
  2. @mmwtsn
  3. @tapsboy
  4. @retrohacker
  5. @ChrisMLee
  6. @evelynStraigt
  7. @stefania11
  8. @gilchenzion
  9. @amejias101
  10. @cormickjbrowne

/cc @acingraham

gautamarora commented 8 years ago

I'm available to mentor & have completed JS, Node, ES6, Express workshops.

mmwtsn commented 8 years ago

I'm available to mentor and have completed the workshops listed above.

tapsboy commented 8 years ago

I will be there

Update: Have completed all 4 workshops

retrohacker commented 8 years ago

I'll be there, and have completed all 4 workshops.

ChrisMLee commented 8 years ago

I'm available to mentor and have completed all of the listed workshops

gautamarora commented 8 years ago

@mmwtsn @tapsboy @retrohacker @ChrisMLee :+1:

lunethefirst commented 8 years ago

Will be available to mentor all listed workshops. (=

stefania11 commented 8 years ago

Will be there and available to mentor all listed workshops

gilchenzion commented 8 years ago

Will be able to mentor all workshops

alexdmejias commented 8 years ago

Will be able to mentor all workshops as well.

gautamarora commented 8 years ago

@evelynStraigt @stefania11 @gilchenzion @amejias101 :+1:

cormickjbrowne commented 8 years ago

I can mentor and I've completed all 4 workshops.

gautamarora commented 8 years ago

wow! 10 mentors! i'm sure we are running out of capes for this one! :+1:

gautamarora commented 8 years ago

thank you mentors! it was a great event!