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Nodeschool Chapter Dublin #135

Closed No9 closed 9 years ago

No9 commented 9 years ago

Hi, I would like to start a nodeschool chapter for Dublin. I am @dhigit9 on twitter and work at/on secure-scuttlebutt and a bits of leveldb. I will be co-organizing this chapter with @jasonmarah @johnbrett @akohli @davecocoa7 @lorcanmcdonald @gangleri_ (twitter handles). I have been using Node.js since 0.2 and would like to help others learn as well.

francesmcmullin commented 9 years ago

:wave: I am @davecocoa / @davecocoa7 on twitter. I like JS and helping people learn new things.

gangleri commented 9 years ago

GitHub: @gangleri Twitter @gangleri_

gangleri commented 9 years ago

Any idea of numbers? I have one potential venue in the cente that could handle 15 and will have WiFi

No9 commented 9 years ago

@gangleri seems a little light but it is way better than nothing so big thanks. Are we ok for the Saturday May 23rd as mentioned here?

No9 commented 9 years ago

I am thinking there could be 4 coming from my current place

johnbrett commented 9 years ago

Hey everyone, Github is @johnbrett, Twitter @johnbrett, been using Node here and there on personal projects over the few years, using it in work for the last 9 months or so. I've enjoyed working with it and would like to help others learn about it and JS in general too.

Saturday May 23rd works for me too!

gangleri commented 9 years ago

@No9 I haven't confirmed yet, wanted to check numbers first. If you want I could push forward and see if it can be confirmed for Sat 23rd May.

No9 commented 9 years ago

@gangleri sure check it. Would be great to know when we have to confirm the commitment.

gangleri commented 9 years ago

@No9 I'll ask the questions and see if we can have something for Sat 23rd May :smile:

gangleri commented 9 years ago

@No9 Sat 23rd May is ok we can have the space, it's OpenJaw on capel st. so nice and central.

Numbers are probably around 15.

martinheidegger commented 9 years ago

Following #28 I invited you to the owners list @no9

Please follow to setup the chapter!