nodeschool / organizers

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Create an org chart #298

Open iancrowther opened 8 years ago

iancrowther commented 8 years ago

Should we create an Org chart?

For example:

max-mapper commented 8 years ago

IMO we shouldn't have a shared or email because it makes it difficult to manage (because its all centralized). My opinion is I think it would be easier for everyone if chapters had their own tito and email.

However @brianloveswords controls the DNS, and there are apparently 25 people on the /nodeschool account and it looks like if you get invited you can create events under /nodeschool

iancrowther commented 8 years ago

@brianloveswords - what are your thoughts on the admin?

SomeoneWeird commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I think separate accounts for chapters is probably a good idea, makes everything easier to manage because you don't have to wait for a person who has admin to do stuff.

iancrowther commented 8 years ago

so i agree on the front..

what about email?

max-mapper commented 8 years ago

I don't know an easy way to run email for a group. I've done Google Apps For Your Domain in the past but that requires a similar additional centralized management layer. If someone has an idea on how to set up nodeschool emails without a central bottleneck then that would solve it, otherwise I'm not sure how to make it maintainable

martinheidegger commented 8 years ago


brianloveswords commented 8 years ago

@iancrowther @maxogden The main issue for me with Google Apps for us is scale. It costs $5/mo per email address. I'm fine to eat the cost for a few addresses, but if we're talking an email for every org, that becomes more problematic.

RichardLitt commented 8 years ago

We could host our own mail server, and not use Gmail at all. That should allow us to have somewhat limitless mailboxes, with aliases for each one; one per org shouldn't be a problem.

mikeal commented 8 years ago

You should do what Node.js is doing now.

Basically, @rvagg wrote some code to configure mailgun and we point the DNS for email there. Then there's just a big json config in a repo that people can send pull requests to in order to get listed :)

SomeoneWeird commented 8 years ago

@brianloveswords Yeah, we really don't want to do that :) @RichardLitt highly advise against running our own mail server @mikeal that is v. cool :)

brianloveswords commented 8 years ago

Oh this is awesome @mikeal. I'm gonna try to set this up.

brianloveswords commented 8 years ago

Okay @iancrowther @maxogden I think nodeschool/email solves the email problem in a sufficiently decentralized way.

Steps to add an email address:

  1. Requester submits a pull request that adds an alias to nodeschool/aliases.json
  2. Everybody ensures pull request passes Travis (json linting).
  3. Core team member merges pull request.

Anything that hits the master branch will be automatically deployed.

We can send 10,000 free emails on the mailgun free tier. I'll raise a new thread if we start getting close to that with legitimate use.

SomeoneWeird commented 8 years ago

I just enabled status check requirements for master on nodeschool/email - now travis has to pass, before you can merge stuff :)

iancrowther commented 8 years ago

@brianloveswords - feel free to delete from google apps @mikeal - danke

iancrowther commented 8 years ago

lol - so back to the org chart?

I never actually got much insight into my original question. I think it would be useful

max-mapper commented 8 years ago

IMO ideally the org chart would be a small group of people (more than 1 to increase "hit by a bus factor", but small enough group to eliminate any bureaucracy, maybe 10?). The job of the small group of people would be to manage passwords and administrative duties that should hopefully be few and far between (like redeploying nodeschoolbot when it breaks).

The rest of the org chart would just be chapters :)

iancrowther commented 8 years ago

ah yeah, I have not thought to include the chapters. I think thats overkill and becomes a "thing" to admin.

what tasks do people oversea?

RichardLitt commented 6 years ago

Those sound about right to me. Can we start with those, and add to it as needed?

It doesn't seem like there is a burning need for an org chart, @iancrowther. Unless I am missing something, as this ticket is a bit stale.

SomeoneWeird commented 6 years ago

I don't see this as a pressing need.