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Nonprofit/5013c support for Renting Space? #348

Open awaterma opened 8 years ago

awaterma commented 8 years ago

We have been using some great meeting space at our local library for the last year, but we are finding it hard to compete with other local groups for meeting space on weekends. We are exploring renting some meeting space from a local museum, but are hesitating a bit based on cost. If we are able to be "sponsored" by a 501/3c organization (an official non-profit) we can rent the space at nearly 50% cost. Do you guys have any suggestions for getting sponsored by a NodeJS or Nodeschool non-profit that could help us get meeting space? We've considered forming our own NonProfit, but it can get expensive. I thought I'd post here and see if anyone had some suggestions! :)

martinheidegger commented 8 years ago

@mikael might the Node 501/3c be able to help out with this?

martinheidegger commented 7 years ago

@hackygolucky You are the only person that I think can help here?!

hackygolucky commented 7 years ago

@martinheidegger @mikeal do you know what the 'sponsor' label entails? Since NodeSchool isn't an entity itself and isn't under the Node.js Foundation, my understanding is that we(Node.js Foundation) would have to take responsibility for the space rented. I don't think we're set up to do this because this would involve an exchange of money in weird ways. Also, we're a 501c6. We're still a non-profit but I wasn't sure if your venue source has requirements only to allow 501c3 discounts. We have been looking into ways that we could 'sponsor' like this for community groups(for nearly 6 months now), but we haven't found a means that is easy for us to do(both legal and accounting have weighed in).

Having founded a non-profit myself, yes, depending on the state and/or country you are in, founding one is both expensive and very time consuming in reporting requirements. I'm happy to talk more about this for y'all to weight the cost/benefit of doing something like that.