nodeschool / organizers

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Upgrade nodeschool/havana to become nodeschool/cuba #410

Open olemis opened 7 years ago

olemis commented 7 years ago

Hello !

We @CubanTech started to coordinate the organization of all the @nodeschool events in Cuba , not just Havana . We offered Nodebots in Holguín on December 24th and are moving to Santa Clara, Cuba on January . We plan to cover all major cities across the country by the end of 2017 to grow the community and actually organize the meetups on a regular basis .

Therefore it'd be much simpler for us to rename our current nodeschool/havana instance to become nodeschool/cuba , in a similar way as @nodeschool/italy did. Is this possible ?

jpwesselink commented 7 years ago

Hey @olemis, I am kind of on the fence with your request: chapter organization was meant to focus on cities. @mcollina how does it work out, having one chapter for Italy?

olemis commented 7 years ago

Hey @olemis, I am kind of on the fence with your request: chapter organization was meant to focus on cities. @mcollina how does it work out, having one chapter for Italy?

Understood . Just for the record :

I hope this can be resolved in favor of creating single chapter .

jpwesselink commented 7 years ago

I understand, as far as I'm concerned it shouldn't be an issue, but once chapter start becoming independant I think you should create separate chapters.

olemis commented 7 years ago

<ot> BTW , we will be offering two workshops next Saturday in Santa Clara, CU. Right now I can not find the instructions to announce the meetups and include it in the main events feed . Sorry . Could u please be so kind and suggest a link with instructions? Thnx in advance </ot>

jpwesselink commented 7 years ago

Please take a look here:

This link can be found here:

olemis commented 7 years ago

Done ! Thanks ! Look forward to a final resolution for this ticket

Best regards