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Identify workshoppers that need the most help #458

Open hackygolucky opened 7 years ago

hackygolucky commented 7 years ago

A to-do for Merge into NodeSchool: International Contribution Day!

Identify workshoppers that need the most help, prioritizing Core workshoppers and then supplemental. Volunteer to work on an issue with a NodeSchool chapter here.

llkats commented 7 years ago

In my mind, the most important workshoppers to focus on will be the ones that focus on JavaScript and Node.

My ranking:

  1. javascripting
  2. learnyounode
  3. scopes, chains, and closures
  4. stream-adventure
  5. how to npm

Everything else is a supplementary concept to "knowing Node". I'd especially love to see these five workshoppers brought up to snuff, and everything beyond them would be an awesome bonus to me!

When we are considering the quality of a workshopper, it occurred to me that there are several different facets to evaluate them. Among them:

In what other ways could we evaluate workshoppers? I think that some of these higher-level evaluations, like content, need to be ironed out well-ahead of the event so that we can write really specific issues for chapters to work on.

watilde commented 7 years ago

For the issues that are needed more help, how-to-npm has patches-welcome tag.