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Interest in helping setup a San Francisco NodeSchool Chapter #92

Closed duquet closed 9 years ago

duquet commented 9 years ago

Hi, I would like to start a nodeschool chapter for San Francisco. I am @aduquet on twitter and work at NerdWallet as a contract Recruiter. I will be co-organizing this chapter with nerdwallet. I have been using Node.js for 1 month and would like to help others learn as well.

max-mapper commented 9 years ago

@duquet hiya! I know there are some others who have expressed interested in helping with a SF chapter. I'll cc some of them.

cc @mattpardee @agminusthev @dshaw @llkats

anyone have thoughts on format/meeting frequency and where it would be hosted?

feel free to CC others as well

groundwater commented 9 years ago

I can offer the New Relic offices, and other assistance when necessary. I will admit I'm a bad organizer, but am a decent host (I hope @maxogden agrees).

We actually have a classroom-style room that can be booked.

I'm also available to help at other locations as a mentor.

terinjokes commented 9 years ago

I would like to help out if someone wants to organize :)

jedireza commented 9 years ago

Count me in. I'm available to help as a mentor in both SF and Oakland.

linclark commented 9 years ago

I can mentor when I'm in town :)

RichardLitt commented 9 years ago


agminusthev commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure what organizational requirements go into creating a NodeSchool event but I'd be happy to help.

What time frame were you thinking @groundwater @maxogden? Q1 2015?

duquet commented 9 years ago

Maybe I should attend another existing NodeSchool Chapter event and then take advantage of New Relic training room from @groundwater unless someone else would like to advise. For example, do we offer food/drink sponsorships? What days/times work best?

@groundwater - if I can figure out what the organizational requirements are, could you be the main host/mentor and/or recommend anyone for maybe Q1 2015?

imurchie commented 9 years ago

I'd be happy to help out, organizationally as well as as a mentor. Unfortunately I cannot offer space (we're running low as it is).

llkats commented 9 years ago

Also in as a student/mentor; might also be able to offer space at craigslist. I like to think that I'm a good organizer, so keep me posted. :grinning:

bengl commented 9 years ago

Throwing my hat in as a mentor. Can also help w/ organizational efforts.

johnmarkos commented 9 years ago

Hello! I'm happy to help as a mentor/perpetual student as well.

cantremember commented 9 years ago

it'd be good to have an SF Chapter. i'd be happy to be a mentor. i'd also be happy to help with organizational efforts

tlhunter commented 9 years ago

I've helped mentor upcoming developers in the past and would love to lend a hand for an SF NS.

dshaw commented 9 years ago

I'm certain we could combine forces occasionally with SFNode to do joint events. We put a lot of effort upfront with SFNode to make sure we built out a strong core contributor group before we started kicking off events. There's 3-5x time and effort that goes into running these things.

dshaw commented 9 years ago

Also, excuse me for stating the obvious, but recruiting + NodeSchool makes my skin crawl a bit. @duquet, you're going to have to be very careful to balance your interests here.

duquet commented 9 years ago

@dshaw, Understood and appreciated. I have no intention of recruiting via NodeSchool. I am only interesting in creating learning opportunities. I have no problem with you stating the obvious ;-).

Hi All:

Given the great response to this message chain, can someone with any NS organizational experience consider stepping up to either take the lead organizationally and/or have a phone chat with me about what we should do next? For example, I would love to chat with you @llkats if you are interested in leading or helping me.

Maybe @groundwater or @llkats can suggest a target date that we could use New Relic or Craigslist offices?

I think the following people have expressed interest. Please let me know if I missed anyone...

Host: @groundwater (new relic) @llkats (craigslist) 8+ Mentors: @maxogden @jedireza @maxogden @tlhunter @cantremember @johnmarkos @bengl @linclark Organizers: @agminusthev Helpers: @terinjokes Unknown: @imurchie @dshaw @RichardLitt Advice: @mikeal

Meanwhile, I will check out and research SFnode to per @dshaw advice.

Disclaimer: I am a newbie so please let me know if there is a better way to organize this and/or communicate.


paulgrock commented 9 years ago

I'm happy to help in anyway that is needed. I can help organize or mentor. Also, if Craigslist or New Relic aren't available we can have the nodeschool event at the Blizzard SF office.

groundwater commented 9 years ago


our classroom space which we can probably use

duquet commented 9 years ago

Pretty darn nice!

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Jacob Groundwater <


[image: img_1099]

our classroom space which we can probably use

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Andrew Duquet Owner/Recruiter Searchlight Systems t:510.525.3200

agminusthev commented 9 years ago

@duquet Thank you for summarizing the comments from before. Conveniently, I'm one of the organizers for SFNode :D

First question: How many attendees do we want for the first event? It was recommended we have a 5:1 ratio of attendees:mentors. We should consider capping the student headcount for the first event. Maybe 30 students and at least 6 mentors (8+ volunteers already!) Craigslist's event space can hold a max of 35 people and it looks like New Relic's class space has 32 chairs and can comfortably hold some extra bodies.

Second question: When? Weekday or weekend? I'd think a Saturday so people don't have to take off work. Hopefully, this will make the event more accessible. From there we can figure out space availability and narrow down dates.

I'm tagging @maxogden since he kicked this off and @groundwater and @llkats since they volunteered their offices.

duquet commented 9 years ago

I think @groundwater was first to volunteer so maybe we should ask him if he has any preferences? I am totally open so for me 30 students sounds like a nice round number and Saturday sounds good. Ideally we could vote but that's probably too complicated so whatever @groundwater or @llkats thinks is fine with me if everyone agrees.

On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Rebecca Siler wrote:

@duquet Thank you for summarizing the comments from before. Conveniently, I'm one of the organizers for SFNode :D

First question: How many attendees do we want for the first event? It was recommended we have a 5:1 ratio of attendees:mentors. We should consider capping the student headcount for the first event. Maybe 30 students and at least 6 mentors (8+ volunteers already!) Craigslist's event space can hold a max of 35 people and it looks like New Relic's class space has 32 chairs and can comfortably hold some extra bodies.

Second question: When? Weekday or weekend? I'd think a Saturday so people don't have to take off work. Hopefully, this will make the event more accessible. From there we can figure out space availability and narrow down dates.

I'm tagging @maxogden since he kicked this off and @groundwater and @llkats since they volunteered their offices.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Andrew Duquet Owner/Recruiter Searchlight Systems t:510.525.3200

llkats commented 9 years ago

I don't know that we'd be able to open the office at craigslist on a weekend; I'd have to double-check on that. Hopefully @groundwater is cool with it. :)

groundwater commented 9 years ago

I will ask our events team!

dshaw commented 9 years ago

@groundwater Impressive space!

groundwater commented 9 years ago

I've gotten a 90% yes on using the space (an exact date will help).

Weekends are okay, but it might be better to use the lounge area. That way we can provide food/drinks, and it's more open.

agminusthev commented 9 years ago

How about Saturday, January 31 or February 7?

@groundwater would you mind running these dates by your event team?

groundwater commented 9 years ago

Feb 7 looks good, but I have an obligation in Sacramento around 7pm. I'm assuming we will do this in the daytime?

llkats commented 9 years ago

+1 for the daytime. How long do events usually last? Could we do something like 12 - 5?

linclark commented 9 years ago

For the one at Double Union, I scheduled it for 4 hours, which I think is about the right length. So maybe 1pm-5pm? If we start it at 1pm, then I think we can get away with having lighter snacks.

llkats commented 9 years ago

Sounds good to me!! How does that work, @groundwater and everyone?

jedireza commented 9 years ago

Feb 7th 1pm - 5pm works for me too.

jasonrhodes commented 9 years ago

FWIW, in Baltimore this is exactly the format we use, 1-5pm, light snacks and drinks (if alcohol, we only serve for the last hour or two, but recently we dropped alcohol altogether). We usually do about 30 minutes of intro up front and jump into exercises after that, although I've heard people having a lot of success going through the first lesson or two together as a group.

Also, we ask people in advance to self-rate their JS skill level with 1-3 ratings, then we put their names on color-coded name tags and tell them to pair up with someone with the same color name tag. That's worked really well if you are interested in having people pair, which we've found to be really really successful.

Good luck! :)

RichardLitt commented 9 years ago

Works for me!

cantremember commented 9 years ago

1-5pm sounds like a good plan -- but i'll have to bolt right @ 5

llkats commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the tips, @jasonrhodes!! Keep 'em coming if you think of any more! :)

llkats commented 9 years ago

Something that occurred to me: should we have signups or RSVPs?

linclark commented 9 years ago

For the one at Double Union, we did $5 tickets through Tito to ensure that people showed up.

llkats commented 9 years ago

Okay, cool, that sounds like a plan. I can set that up, just need confirmation from @groundwater on the date/times and I'm ready to start getting the word out!

RichardLitt commented 9 years ago

It'll also be useful to know tutors to students ratio, right?

jedireza commented 9 years ago

Referring to:

We need a chapter owner (if we don't already have one). I'm happy to throw my name in that hat. Once that's done we can continue with the steps outlined.

:sparkles: woot :sparkles:

llkats commented 9 years ago

Yes, tutor to student ratio would be great to know. How do we solicit and track volunteers? Would this Github issue be fine to do that?

Seems to me like @duquet would be first in line to be the chapter owner, since he opened this thread!

duquet commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I would like that unless anyone objects.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Lydia Katsamberis <


Yes, tutor to student ratio would be great to know. How do we solicit and track volunteers? Would this Github issue be fine to do that?

Seems to me like @duquet would be first in line to be the chapter owner, since he opened this thread!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Andrew Duquet Owner/Recruiter Searchlight Systems t:510.525.3200

jedireza commented 9 years ago

Sweet. @maxogden how do we get @duquet setup as an owner?

jasonrhodes commented 9 years ago

OK @duquet I added you as an owner. FYI there are chapters with multiple owners so let me know if you would like to add more. You can follow the steps in the README that you linked to above and get your chapter repo set up, then you can continue this conversation over there!

groundwater commented 9 years ago

I will confirm the time with our events planner tomorrow

cantremember commented 9 years ago

conversation moved to