Closed ErickWendel closed 5 years ago
I thought the pace was kinda slow for me. It seemed like a lot of waiting between steps. 🤔
@ErickWendel sounds great and I'm sure people will get a lot out of it. Our next event will be on March 30th, does that date works for you?
How long will this session last?
@tlhunter @nebrius any thoughts?
I think 90 minutes could work!
Sounds fine to me. A lot of our attendees are fairly new to Node.js so this workshop would probably have a good turnout.
Sounds good to me too!
Thanks for doing this workshop @ErickWendel! It was a big hit :)
thanks brother!! It was a fantastic experience for me as well
I feel that my last workshop was advanced for the public and sometimes was hard for who is starting with node.js and Javascript. My goal in this workshop is to create a complete Web API using Hapi.js, MongoDB focused on starters in Node.js and Javascript.
We'll need only the Node.js 10+ installed and an account on MongoDB to get your MongoDB free instance :D