nodeschool / seattle

NodeSchool for Seattle!
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Site fixes #71

Closed Fauntleroy closed 6 years ago

Fauntleroy commented 6 years ago

Hello from NodeSchool Oakland! πŸ‘‹

Congratulations on the chapter relaunch! I noticed your website was based off of the design originally created for the chapter here in Oakland, and I have some questions/feedback.

Social Image Generation

I see that you've changed the size and design of the social image generation system. I'm not sure why that change was made, but I just wanted to pop in and explain why that particular size and format was selected: getting big social images in Twitter/Facebook timelines! With the specific, seemingly arbitrary size of 1200x630 you get big, pretty images to pop up in your Twitter/Facebook posts:

screen shot 2018-07-08 at 3 39 23 pm screen shot 2018-07-08 at 3 40 36 pm

Right now Twitter isn't sure what to do with your social image, so it crops it really strangely into the smaller square template:

screen shot 2018-07-08 at 3 45 46 pm

I'm not certain what your goals are with the social image so I might be completely off the mark here, I just wanted to let y'all know about this little detail!

Links not aligning properly

Right now the two main links on your site aren't aligning properly:

screen shot 2018-07-08 at 3 38 02 pm

This is because I used a finicky inline-block method to get the buttons to sit next to each other (instead of other, more reliable methods like flexbox or float: left). I'm not sure how the whitespace was reintroduced (maybe the generated docs/index.html was modified in a text editor after the fact?), but if the generated docs/index.html is used without modification, the buttons will sit next to each other again.


Looks like the favicon was missing, so I added one for y'all.

screen shot 2018-07-08 at 3 51 33 pm

I love the site and I hope I can drop by your chapter sometime! Keep up the great work!

satanas commented 6 years ago

Hey @Fauntleroy! Thank you so much for helping us improve the website. Yes, we relaunched the chapter with the support of @Xabadu and we took the liberty of using the same design you guys created for Oakland and they're using for SF (which is great! πŸ‘).

Regarding the image size, I don't recall a valid reason why I changed the size of it, probably I just looked at the width of the page and used that as a reference but it definitely looks better with the dimensions you suggest, so thanks for the clarification too πŸ˜„.

Right now we're having workshops quarterly instead of monthly (I'm trying to find more venues and people to help organize) but please, feel free to come and join us at any upcoming event! We'd love to have you here.
