nodeschool / wellington

:school: :fountain: :dash: NodeSchool chapter in Wellington, New Zealand
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Hosting Node Night #21

Open mixmix opened 8 years ago

mixmix commented 8 years ago

This thread is to outline what's involved in running node night, and track who's hosting it next week


6.30 - doors open 7.00 - welcome + check in 7.30 8.00 8.30 - close

wifi : NETGEAR81 pass: ....

Running node night:

  1. get to Dev Avademy before the doors lock (6pm)
  2. put a sign up at door (e.g. Node Night: txt mix 027 ...)
  3. set up the room (e.g. desks, water + glasses, intro slide with times + wifi pass)
  4. run 'Welcome + Check in' at 7pm (see details below)
  5. tidy up

Welcome + Check in : the purpose is to give a chance for people to get to know each other. A check in round is where each person in the ground is given a chance to introduce themselves, and perhaps share a response to a question (e.g. "what are you working on tonight?", "what was a highlight from your day?")

mixmix commented 8 years ago

running December 8th : @mixmix + @mosaic-greg

mosaic-greg commented 8 years ago

yep can do

mmckegg commented 8 years ago

:+1: this looks great :smiley_cat:

shearichard commented 8 years ago

Slightly off thread but I just wanted to say "Thanks" to everyone involved for making the Node meetups happen - I appreciate it.

It's worth saying that Enspiral also deserve thanks for providing the venue.

Although my attendance is erratic I would be happy to be on the list of people who helped run a meetup if others were busy.

ahdinosaur commented 8 years ago

our holiday schedule: our last night of the year is December 22, then we take a month long break till our first night of the new year on January 19. :sunflower: :christmas_tree: :santa: :snowman: :sunny:

TODO for me: update the meetup event to reflect this.