nodesman / wp-autoresponder

Email marketing and newsletter plugin for WordPress
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Confirmation Success URL #211

Open jeromyjclark opened 11 years ago

jeromyjclark commented 11 years ago

What would be a magnificent feature to add is an optional confirmation success url field in 'newsletter_form.php'. When filled in, the subscriber would be redirected to that url from 'confirm.php', and if empty it would show the built-in default page.

I tried adding the field, functions, and DB tables myself - but I must be missing something... So far I've only managed to render the plugin unable to save any newsletters until I change it back, lol.

I'll keep at it and send in the code if/when I figure it out, but if you find a solution sooner- that would be awesome!

Thank you for a great plugin!

jeromyjclark commented 11 years ago

I got it done, and it seems to be fully functional!

I'll be sending an email with files attached to '' in a couple of minutes...

jeromyjclark commented 11 years ago

Correction: for some reason, the update function is broken on several of the forms, which apparently was an issue even before I added the confirmation success url field. The funny thing is that everything saves fine when creating newsletters, forms, etc. - but it won't save any edits after they'd been created.

As a control test, I installed the original plugin version on a brand new Wordpress site (no plugins), and found the exact same problem. All of the SQL/php in the code looks fine. Any clue as to what's the cause?

jeromyjclark commented 11 years ago

Got that fixed too. It was just the trailing html bracket around line 72 of 'newsletter_form.php'. It should read < input type="hidden" name="wpr_form" value="<?php echo $wpr_form ?>" / >