nodesman / wp-autoresponder

Email marketing and newsletter plugin for WordPress
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Manage autoresponder messages is missing the pagination #230

Closed billwide closed 11 years ago

billwide commented 11 years ago

When you have more that 10 autoresponder Messages, the pagination is missing and you need to add manually the prefix "&p=2" at the end of the URL, to see the page 2.

For example: wp-admin/admin.php?page=_wpr/autoresponders&action=manage&id=3

Just show the first 10 messages. If you want to see and edit the eleven and above messages add the prefix at the end: wp-admin/admin.php?page=_wpr/autoresponders&action=manage&id=3&p=2

So in autoresponder messages, are missing the pagination at the end of the page.

nodesman commented 11 years ago

@billwide Which version are you using, there was a critical issue that was fixed in v5.3.3. Does upgrading to that version work?

nodesman commented 11 years ago

@billwide Thanks for pointing this out. The issue persists in v5.3.3.

nodesman commented 11 years ago

Solution :

Open views/autoresponder_manage.php and then change line 42 to :

<?php include_once WPR_DIR."/views/templates/paging.php"; ?>

billwide commented 11 years ago

Thanks, issue fixed! =)

webuser24 commented 11 years ago

Amazing! Problem Solved THANKS! ;)