nodesman / wp-autoresponder

Email marketing and newsletter plugin for WordPress
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DAY 0 (my idea, suggestion for improvement) #243

Open wpvipteam opened 11 years ago

wpvipteam commented 11 years ago

Hello Raj,

I have a "problem" with sending follow-up messages. In fact, everything is fine. Autoresponder is doing well and everything is fine. But ...

I will describe the "problem" (not a problem but my idea, suggestion for improvement). Let's start from the beginning.

System messages: "Response Required: Please confirm your request for information" and then "Welcome to My Newsletter" - are sent without problems.

I have a "problem" with the third message. I'd hate to see it go now. But, do not go. Due to the limitations of "Shared Hosting" on Hostgator. They do not allow the setting for cron job under 15 minutes. So, to me, the message came after 15 minutes. And that's fine. However, the visitor / customer who asks me the information immediately (in the message DAY 0) he will not get it right away but with a delay of 15 minutes.

How can I explain? The first and second message does not go via a cron job. These two messages have a different trigger. I'd hate to see if the message is set to "DAY 0" that follows these two system messages. And there is currently sending. And all messages from "DAY 1", "DAY 2" and so on are sent to (normal) through cron job.

Is this possible? If it could be done that would be great. Thanks in advance.

Have a nice day

nodesman commented 11 years ago

I am aware of this issue. I had to remove this provision from the previous version as part of a code clean up. This will be fixed in due course in one of the next few releases.

wpvipteam commented 11 years ago
