nodesman / wp-autoresponder

Email marketing and newsletter plugin for WordPress
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The Wysiwyg editor doesn't show #274

Open wes002 opened 10 years ago

wes002 commented 10 years ago

Hi man, first of all I'd like to thank for a great plugin.

Here's my problem: when I updated the plugin for the last version the Wysiwyg editor in the "new broadcast" page doesn't show. When I click on "disable wysiwyg editor" nothing happens, so the only way to send a new broadcast is to unchek the "enable HTML body" option.

Is there a solution for that?

P.S. I'm using the last version of wordpress.

Thank's for your time.

Afwas commented 10 years ago

In /plugins/wp-responder-email-autoresponder-and-newsletter-plugin/ckeditor find file config.js and add config.language = 'en';