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NodeSchool #22

Closed rvagg closed 10 years ago

rvagg commented 10 years ago

NodeUp #55

We need to talk about this. London, SF, Dublin, I'll do a Sydney one soon.


mikeal commented 10 years ago

A few notes from our talking afterwards.

rvagg commented 10 years ago

on that last point I was considering a $5 charge for one in Sydney just to make people take RSVP more seriously.

Also, this thread has lots of notes:

mikeal commented 10 years ago

yeah, it depends on if you think you'll actually max out the capacity of the venue you're doing it in.

Raynos commented 10 years ago

Some things I noted

Some things that were cool

brianloveswords commented 10 years ago

Awesome, thanks for kicking this off @rvagg! I'm trying to plan a Brooklyn one for early/mid December.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

The capacity planning is easily solvable in two ways.

TBH, San Francisco is probably worse about this than most other cities. Max did the exact same thing in London and has a much better retention rate.

max-mapper commented 10 years ago

I wanted to open up more tickets but Heroku wasnt comfortable above 140 as they hadn't run a meetup that large in their space yet. We had about 100 people show up, so 30-40 no shows. In London we had 10-20 no shows.

jlord commented 10 years ago

At the SF/Heroku meet up another mentor and I were discussing how asking questions could be made better. Something that reduced any fear about asking questions, made the question-asker feel less in the spotlight and removed the need for the asker to hold a hand up and wait until they've had eye contact with a mentor.

So maybe some type of flag that can be raised (thinking about those little realtime conf flags)? But it could also be as simple as a two sided and two colored something (plate? cup?) that can be handed out to groups/tables to be flipped when someone has a question.

Raynos commented 10 years ago

@jlord I think two sided beverage coasters would be rad.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

anything that is on a table will be covered too often.

maybe some kind of sign that can be attached to your laptop and flipped at will. then you can make everyone have the sign on and just flip it when they need help. if they have to go grab it only when they need help i think they'll be less likely to do so.

jordangarcia commented 10 years ago

I think it would've been nice to have more people doing the same lessons sitting near each other. It would better encourage discussion amongst groups of people on how to tackle the problems at hand.

parshap commented 10 years ago

Some general feedback from attending the SF event as a mentor:

At Heroku, the "amphitheater" area didn't work too well in my experience. At least not with that many people there. No one seemed to want to ask for help and it was hard to climb over people just to see if they needed help.


maybe some kind of sign that can be attached to your laptop and flipped at will. then you can make everyone have the sign on and just flip it when they need help. if they have to go grab it only when they need help i think they'll be less likely to do so.

I don't think flipping a visible-to-everyone sign on your laptop to indicate you need help will be much less social anxiety than raising your hand.


I think it would've been nice to have more people doing the same lessons sitting near each other. It would better encourage discussion amongst groups of people on how to tackle the problems at hand.

:+1: Letting students try and help each other (maybe with mentor supervision) sounds like a great idea!

olizilla commented 10 years ago

Yep, at the London event it seemed like people were more willing to ask questions of the people sat next to them rather than summon a mentor, or admit they were stuck as the mentors did the rounds.

Smaller tables of ~8 people with 1 mentor per table could work well if you can find that many mentors. I'm assuming that the entry requirement for a mentor is enthusiasm and having completed the workshoppers, so as node school rolls on, the pool of potential mentors will grow.

In lieu of 1 mentor per table, just mixing up people and ability levels would help. NodeConf did that really well.

On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 5:55 AM, Parsha Pourkhomami <> wrote:

At Heroku, the "amphitheater" area didn't work too well in my experience. At least not with that many people there. No one seemed to want to ask for help and it was hard to climb over people just to see if they needed help.


maybe some kind of sign that can be attached to your laptop and flipped at will. then you can make everyone have the sign on and just flip it when they need help. if they have to go grab it only when they need help i think they'll be less likely to do so.

I don't think flipping a visible-to-everyone sign on your laptop to indicate you need help will be much less social anxiety than raising your hand.


I think it would've been nice to have more people doing the same lessons sitting near each other. It would better encourage discussion amongst groups of people on how to tackle the problems at hand.

[image: :+1:] Letting students try and help each other (maybe with mentor supervision) sounds like a great idea!

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Oli Evans

mikeal commented 10 years ago

I can make time this week, I'm going to be cooking for like 3 days but I can schedule around it.

dshaw commented 10 years ago

@mikeal Great. @floating will get everybody scheduled up.

@maxogden @brianloveswords @jlord @olizilla and/or @Raynos. Can you be on this week? The streams max out at 5, but maybe Max and Jessica can be on together.

Raynos commented 10 years ago

Oh this is a nodeup thread. I can be on nodeup this week.

dshaw commented 10 years ago

;-) Yep. I didn't want to interrupt the constructive discussion that was happening, but yes this is a NodeUp thread.

brianloveswords commented 10 years ago

hahaha I totally didn't realize this was a nodeup thread. I can try to make time!

floating commented 10 years ago

@brianloveswords @jlord @olizilla @Raynos Hey all, sorry I had already been scheduling this. Mikeal, Max and Rod are set for this Friday at 1pm PT and we have one more spot. Reply here if you can make it at that time, whoever we hear back from first will get added. (sorry we overbooked this one a little bit)

rvagg commented 10 years ago

if none of you can make it then @timoxley is a good candidate, author of the functional-javascript, runs a small group that does these workshops in Singapore, organiser of CampJS where we ran the initial learnyounode with ~80 students and ~10 supervisors (including Tim of course).

Raynos commented 10 years ago

I can make it but you should probably have someone running one of the not SF meetups fill in the last spot like @brianloveswords @olizilla of @timoxley

timoxley commented 10 years ago

Dang, I'll still be in the air travelling back to Australia at this time.

jlord commented 10 years ago

@maxogden and I are together in Middle Georgia (woot!) so I can join but I that won't take up another spot, I don't think

floating commented 10 years ago

@jlord Awesome :) yeah that doesn't take up a spot so we still have one open.

olizilla commented 10 years ago

I'm pretty sure @brianloveswords said he was working on adding in OpenBadges magic to NodeSchool. Right now when you complete a workshopper, you have the warm glow of the terminal to show for your efforts... but people love badges. Just look at the laptop sticker fetish. Getting a badge for completing a workshopper would be a really nice addition.

I've corralled the mentors from @maxogden & @jlord's inaugural London NodeSchool (which was awesome!) to be on hand before LNUG events, so we can run mini NodeSchools each month to help the stuck.

Given the choice, I'd rather hear about MOAR BADGES, than mini NodeSchools. Go on @brianloveswords, you know you want to.

brianloveswords commented 10 years ago

@floating hey, I'm back at my parents for Thanksgiving and the internet is ridiculously spotty. I can try to be on tomorrow at 4:00pm EST (right?) but my connection might drop (or it might be perfect). Unless someone else wants to give it a shot, I'll try to be there!

floating commented 10 years ago

@brianloveswords Ok awesome, let's try.